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Mestrado Universitario en Enxeñaría Informática (plan 2012)
  Architectures and Mobile Platforms
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to mobile architectures and platforms Hardware: architectures and platforms. ARM architecture.

Software: platforms and mobile operative systems. Historic perspective, development ecosystem, market and monetization.
User experience: Usability and user interfaces Introduction to mobile app and user interface usability

Style guides and design pattern for graphic user interfaces for mobile devices. Examples.
Mobile device architecture and software design. Application to Android Building a first app: environment and development and debugging tools

App components

Relationship among apps, virtual machines and Linux processes

Activity Life-cycle

Task parallelization: AsyncTask

Data serialization/deserialization, Fragments and Parcelables


Content Providers, Content Resolvers, Loaders

Recycler View

Apps, processes and threads: IPC in Android

Android Binder




Mobile device software patterns: MVC and its versions
Event-guided programming and concurrency management Event-guided programming. Advanced concepts

Patterns: Publisher/Subscriber, Active Object, Monitor Object, Half/Sync-Half-Async and Thread Pool.

Application to Android
Web based, hybrid and native applications Mobile web application development

Hybrid mobile application development

Development frameworks
Mobile platform sensing Transducers

Mobile displays. Types and technologies

Mobile HMI
Pantallas e Mobile HMI Pantallas nos dispositivos móbiles. Tipos e tecnoloxías empregadas.

Mobile HMI.
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