Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Computer Structure
Topic Sub-topic
1. Performance evaluation 1. Introduction
2. Definition of performance metrics
3. Performance evaluation and comparison
4. Measurement techniques and benchmarks
2. Instruction level parallelism 1. Introduction
2. Instruction level dependences and parallelism
3. Hazards
4. MIPS pipeline
3. Branch management 1. Static techniques
2. Dynamic techniques
3. Branch delay
4. Memory systems 1. Introduction
2. Main memory
3. Memory hierarchy
5. Caches 1. Introduction
2. Operation of the cache system
3. Cache performance metrics
4. Optimization techniques
6. Virtual memory 1. Introduction
2. Pagination
3. Segmentation
7. Storage systems 1. Basics
2. Types of storage systems
8. Buses: connection of I/O and CPU/Memory 1. Introduction
2. Buses and interconnection
3. Examples of standard buses
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