Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Administration of Infrastructures and Information Systems
Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A53 A55 B1 B3 C6 Avaliación das prácticas de laboratorio, que consistirán en diferentes actividades a realizar en computadores relacionadas cos contidos da materia e que se proporán ao longo do cuadrimestre. 40
Supervised projects A53 A55 B1 B3 C6 O traballo tutelado consistirá na resolución dun caso de estudio de maior dificultade aos realizados nas prácticas. 20
Mixed objective/subjective test A52 A53 A55 B1 B3 A proba mixta realizarase ao final do cuadrimestre. Poderá conter preguntas sobre os contidos do temario desenvolvido nas sesións maxistrais e nas prácticas de laboratorio. 40
Assessment comments

It is required at least 40% of lab exercises and 40% of the written exam. If these conditions are not met but the final mark (applying the formula) is above 5 then the final mark will be 4 (Fail) out of 10. Thus, an 8 in labs and 3 in examn then the  pondered mark is 5.5, but in the academic record of the student it will be specified a 4 (Fail).

Failing in June means that there is an opportunity of retake the exam in July, maintaiining the lab qualification. In this case it will be required only a 40% in the written exam and a final note over 5.

Part time students will be specially considered in order to support his/jer work. There will be some addtional flexibility and personalized treatment for them.

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