Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Sociology
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Mestrado Universitario en Planificación e Xestión de Destinos e Produtos Turísticos(plan 2016)
  Planning and management of destinations and touristic products of health and thermal
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Activities that are carried out in order to know the competences, interests and / or motivations that the students have to achieve the objectives. It seeks to obtain relevant information that allows articulation of teaching to foster effective and meaningful learning, based on the students' previous knowledge.
The students of distance modality will participate in a forum abierto specifically for this point
Guest lecture / keynote speech ATTENDANCE: Oral presentation complemented with the use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions addressed to students, with the purpose of transmitting knowledge and facilitating learning.
ON LINE MODALITY: Study guided through multimedia material (recorded classes, videos, power point presentations) following the contents.
Field trip ATTENDANCE: As much as possible, a visit will be made to a health tourism and coastal tourism center to be determined by the teachers. This visit will be compulsory for students with face-to-face teaching.
ON LINE MODALITY: Students with training in this modality will be advised that as far as possible visit a center near their home.
Workbook Bibliographical documents (articles, reports, etc.) relevant to the topic of the subject will be synthesized contents of a theoretical or practical nature.
Critical bibliographical The recensión bibliographic supposes a process of critical reading of an article, the analysis of the his content and a critique and assessment of the same in regard to the existing literature envelope the subject. A recensión does not suppose a summary of the work, neither a mere analysis of the contained, so what awards him sense and academic dimension scientist is the critique that deserves to judgement of the author of the recensión, in regard to other works known of the even field or in regard to his propio experience.
Supervised projects Elaboración dun traballo en grupo relacionado coa materia. Os alumnos serán capaces de realizar un deseño básico dun centro de turismo de saúde, cuxa tipoloxía e segmento ao que se dirixe quedará á elección do alumnado. O traballo tutelado está deseñado para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor.
Este sistema de ensino baséase en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento desa aprendizaxe polo profesor-titor durante os días de impartición das clases maxistrais e nas datas e horarios establecidos de tutorías. Os traballos expoñeranse en clase nas datas fixadas tras finalizar as clases maxistrais.
MODALIDADE ON LINE: O traballo será realizado de forma individual salvo que desexen formar grupos virtuais con outros alumnos da mesma modalidade. Deberá ser comunicado con antelación ao profesorado. Tamén serán titorizados de forma individual ou colectiva segundo o caso. Poderán expoñer o traballo, enviando unha presentación con voz ou nunha sesión de skype.
Case study Os alumnos distribuídos en grupos realizarán un estudo dun caso de turismo en espazo litoral vinculado á talasoterapia. Describirase un caso concreto por parte do profesorado que expón un problema que ha de ser comprendido, valorado e resolto por un grupo de persoas, a través dun proceso de discusión. O alumno sitúase ante un problema concreto (caso), que lle describe unha situación real da vida profesional, e debe ser capaz de analizar unha serie de feitos, referentes a un campo particular do coñecemento ou da acción, para chegar a unha decisión razoada a través dun proceso de discusión en pequenos grupos de traballo.
MODALIDADE EN LIÑA: O traballo será realizado de forma individual salvo que desexen formar grupos virtuais con outros alumnos da mesma modalidade. Deberá ser comunicado con antelación ao profesorado. Tamén serán titorizados de forma individual ou colectiva segundo o caso
Oral presentation ATTENDANCE: Students in the classroom will make an oral presentation of the tutored work
ON LINE MODALITY: Students of distance mode will present a power point presentation and a forum and virtual debate will be organized in which the students should participate.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes