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Faculty of Sociology
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Mestrado Universitario en Políticas Sociais e Intervención Sociocomunitaria
  Migrations and the labour market
Topic Sub-topic
1. Explanatory theories of the labor insertion of migrants - The Neoclassical Theory
- The Theory of Labor Market Segmentation
- Theory of the Reserve Army
2. Migratory systems and Labor Markets: The Southern European Model - Southern Europe: from emigration to immigration
- Characteristics of the Southern European Migration Model
- Immigration and Labor Markets in Southern Europe
3. Migration, Labor Market and Social Mobility - The relationship between Spatial and Social Mobility
- The dimensions of Social Mobility in a transnational context
- Migration and Inter-generational strategies of Social Mobility
4. Gender, Migration and Labor Market - Theoretical approaches to gender, migration and labor market
- Labor Niches of migrant women: domestic service and sex work
5. Methodological Tools to the Study of Migration and Laor Market - The life history applied to the study of labor and social mobility trajectories of the migrant population
- Statistical sources for the study of migration and the labor market
6. Migration and Labor Market in Spain - Inequality in Spain and the labor market
- The labor insertion of immigrants in Spain
- The impact of the economic crisis on the labor market: immigrants and natives
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