Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Objective test A5 A7 A12 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 It will be required the realization of a final exam type objective test according to the contents of the program. It is important to remember that even if the student passes this test, it is not a sufficient requirement to pass the subject, since it is necessary to have done the practical part that is explained below. 50
Workshop A4 A9 C8 The practices will be carried out on the topics proposed in the program 50
Assessment comments

To pass the subject it will be necessary:

1.- Pass the final exam on the proposed topics. It is
necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 out of 10 in the exam to pass the subject.
This exam supposes 50% of the qualification, although (independently of the
obtained qualification), it is not sufficient to approve the subject. In
addition, you will have to:

2.- Deliver all the proposed practices on time. Each
practice not delivered will be graded with a zero, computing as such in the
calculation of the average. In case of a duly justified fault, the teacher will
communicate the proposed solution to the student in a timely manner.

3.-Participation in class and public exposure of the
practices and other exercises proposed will be valued.

In the case that the student approves the practical
part and will not pass the objective test, it will be examined at the second
opportunity of the call for the objective test, maintaining the note of the
practical part accordingly. In case there is any student for the advanced call,
the evaluation criteria of the second opportunity will be maintained.

Anyone who does not pass the practical part will have
to perform some major test at the second opportunity to be able to pass the

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