Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education
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Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Exercise and Adapted Sports
Topic Sub-topic
- Physical activity and sport adapted for populations with special needs: Knowledge, indications and contraindications. 1.- Basic foundations of physical activity and sport adapted
1.1.- Conceptual bases.
1.2.- Historical evolution.

2.- The legal frame and the architectural considerations and materials
2.1.- General laws.
2.2.- Specific laws.
2.3.- Basic normative principles.
2.4.- General rules.
2.5.- The sportive installations: barriers and solutions.
2.6.- The sportive material and his adaptations.

3.- Populations with special needs
3.1.- Terminology and classification.
3.2.- Etiology, evaluation and prevention.
3.3.- Problematic of the person with special needs.
- Deontological attitude inside the compulsory school context in physical activity and sport adapted. 4.- Individualized Curricular Adaptations (ICA) in physical education
4.1.- Alternative educational.
4.2.- Phases of the ICA in physical education.
4.3.- Methodological guidelines of performance.
- Knowledge and preparation of programs of intervention in physical education in front of sensory, physical, and mental/behavioral type special needs. 5.- Physical education and sport adapted as a flattering element of school inclusion
5.1.- Physical education and sport adapted for Students with Specific Educational Support Needs (ACNEAE) with sensory disabilities.
5.2.- Physical education and sport adapted for ACNEAE with physical-motor disabilities linked to the nervous system.
5.3.- Physical education and sport adapted for ACNEAE with physical-visceral disabilities.
5.4.- Physical education and sport adapted for ACNEAE with mental disabilities and behavioural disorders.
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