Guía DocenteCurso Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física |
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte |
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Datos Identificativos | 2020/21 | |||||||||||||
Asignatura | Avances no adestramento de forza e resistencia (optativa) | Código | 620G01043 | |||||||||||
Titulación |
Descriptores | Ciclo | Período | Curso | Tipo | Créditos | |||||||||
Grao | 2º cuadrimestre |
Cuarto | Optativa | 6 | ||||||||||
Bibliografía básica |
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Bibliografía complementaria | |
– Babineau, C. y Léger L. (1996). Physiological response of 5/1 intermittent aerobic exercise and its relationship to – Berthon, P. y Fellmann N. (2002). General review of maximal aerobic velocity measurement at laboratory. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 42, 257-266. – Berthoin, S., Boquet, G. y Mantéca, F. (1996a). Maximal aerobic speed and running time to exhaustion. Pediatric Exercise Science, 8, 234-244. – Berthoin, S., Jacquet, A., Lefranc, J.F., Lapp, M., Baquet, G. y Gerbeaux, M. (1995). Resistencia aeróbica en las escuelas. Stadium, 26,3-11. – Berthoin, S., Pelayo, P., Lensel-Corbeil, G., Robin, H. y Gerbeaux, M. (1996b). Comparison of maximal aerobic speed as assessed with laboratory and field measurements in moderately trained subjects. Internatinal Journal of Sports Medicine, 17 (7), 525-527. – Billat, V., Bernard, O., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J.P. (1994a). Time to exhaustion at and lactate steady state velocity in sub-elite long-distance runners. Archives International of Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysique, 102, (4) 215-219. – Billat, V., Flechet, B., Petit, B., Muriaux, G. y Koralsztein, J.P. (1999). Interval training at : effects on aerobic performance and overtraining markers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31 (1), 156-163. – Billat, V. y Koralsztein, J.P. (1996a). Significance of velocity at and time to exhaustion at this velocity. Sports Medicine, 22 (2), 90-108. – Billat, V., Hill, D., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J. (1996b). Effect of protocol on determination of velocity at and on its time to exhaustion. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 104 (3), 313-321. – Billat, V., Renoux, J.C., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J.P., (1994b). Reproducibility of running time to exhaustion at in sub-elite runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 254-257. – Billat, V., Renoux, J.C., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J. P. (1994c). Times to exhaustion at 100 % of velocity at and modelling of the time-limit / velocity relationship in elite long-distance runners. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 69, 271-273. – Billat, V., Renoux, J.C., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J.P. (1994d). Validation d´une épreuve maximale de temps limite à VMA (vitesse maximale aérobique) et à Science et Sports, 9, 135-143. – Billat, V., Renoux, J.C., Pinoteau, J., Petit, B. y Koralsztein, J.P. (1995). Times to exhaustion at 90, 100 and 105 % of velocity at (maximal aerobic speed) and critical speed in elite long-distance runners. Archives Physiology and Biochemistry, 103 (2), 129-135. – Brue, F. (1985). Une Variante du test progressif et maximal de Léger et Boucher: le test vitesse maximale aérobie dérriere cycliste (test VMA). Bulletin Médical de – Cazorla, G. (1987). Évaluation de la capacite aérobie: Les tests de terrain. (Actas de congreso), II Congreso Galego da Educación Física e o Deporte (II), A Coruña. – Daniels, J. (1985). A physiologist´s view of running economy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 17, 332-338. – di Prampero, P.E., Atchou, G., Brückner, J.C. y Moia, C. (1986). The energetics of endurance running. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 55, 259-266. – Gaçon, G. (1991). Un nuevo concepto de entrenamiento: La ponderación (1ª parte). Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo, 5 (1), 31-35. – Gaçon, G. (1991). Un nuevo concepto de entrenamiento: La ponderación (2ª parte). Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo,5 (2), 2-9. – García Manso, J.M., Navarro, M. y Ruiz, J.M. (1996). Pruebas para valoración de la capacidad motriz en el deporte. Madrid: Gymnos. - García-Verdugo, M. y Leibar, X. (1997). Entrenamiento de la resistencia de los corredores de medio fondo y fondo
– Hill, D.W. y Rowell, A. (1996). Running velocity at – Hill, D.W. y Rowell, A. (1997). Responses to exercise at the velocity associated with . Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29 (1),113-116. – Lacour, J.R. y Flandrois, R. (1977). Rôle du metabolisme aérobie lors de l´exercice intense et prolongé. Journal of Physiology, 73, 89-130. – Lacour, J., Montmayeur, A., Dormois, D., Gaçon, G., Padilla, S. y Viale, C. (1989). Validation de lépreuve de mesure de la vitesse maximale aérobie (VMA) dans un groupe de coureurs de haut niveau. Science et Motricité, 7, 3-8. – Lacour, J.R., Padilla-Magunacelaya, S., Chatard, J.C., Arsac, L. y Barthélémy, J.C. (1991). Assessment of running velocity at maximal oxygen uptake. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 62, 77-82. – Léger, L. y Boucher, R. (1980). An indirect continuous running multistage field test: the Université de Montréal track test. Canadian Journal of Applied Sports and Science, 5 (2), 77-84. – Montmayeur, A. y Villaret, M. (1990). Étude de la vitesse maximale aérobie derriere cycliste: valeur predictive sur la performance en course a pied. Science et Motricite, 10, 27-31. – Mora Vicente, J. (1992). Umbral Anaeróbico. Determinación de éste utilizando el test en pista de Léger-Boucher. En Estudios Monográficos sobre las Ciencias de – Morgan, D.W., Baldini, F.D., Martin, P.E. y Kohrt, W.M. (1989). Ten kilometer performance and predicted velocity at among well-trained male runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 21, 78-83. – Noakes, T.D., Myburgh, K.H. y Schall, R. (1990). Peak treadmill running velocity during the test predicts running performance. Journal Sports Science, 8, 35-45. – Padilla, S., Bourdin, M., Barthélémy, J.C. y Lacour, J.R. (1992). Physiological correlates of middle-distance running performance. A comparative study between men and women. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 65, 561-566. – Renoux, J.C., Petit, B., Billar, V. y Koralsztein, J. P. (2000). Calculation of times to exhaustion at 100 % and 120 % maximal aerobic speed. Ergonomics, 43, (2), 160-166. – Rodríguez F.A., Iglesias X. y Tuimil J.L. (2002). Gross oxygen cost of graded track running in enduranced-trained runners and non runners. In: Koskolou M., Geladas N., Klissouras V. (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vol. I, p. 140. Atenas: ECSS, University of Athens. – Tuimil, J.L. (1999). Efectos del entrenamiento continuo e interválico sobre la velocidad aeróbica máxima de carrera. Tesis Doctoral. Universidade da Coruña. – Tuimil, J.L. y Rodríguez F.A. (2000). Effects of equated continuous and interval training on running velocity at maximal aerobic speed and on its time to exhaustion. In: Avela J., Komi P.V., Komulainen J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, p. 751. Jyväskylä: ECSS, University of Jyväskylä. – Tuimil J.L. y Rodríguez F.A. (2001). Effect of two types of interval training on maximal aerobic speed and on time to exhaustion. In: Mester J., King G., Strüder H., Tsolakidis E., Osterburg A. (eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science & 15th Congress of the German Society of Sport Science, p. 660. Cologne: ECSS, Sport und Buch Strauss. |