Document analysis |
Before starting the development work material in the Workshop, will proceed to the analysis of documentary sources related to the theme by using audiovisual documents, bibliographical, documentary reports, graphic panels, photographs, models, articles, informational texts , applicable regulations, etc.. The so formed groups (teacher - student) analyze the available documentation and complete it, producing a synthesis of various documentary sources. This analysis is complemented with interventions and architecture professionals from other fields, to be invited to conduct talks and discussions with development of specific issues and personal experiences. |
Collaborative learning |
Students are divided into small working groups, in which they work together to solve the tasks assigned by the teacher. The group is organized to obtain and elaborate the information and share it (analysis of the plot, finding examples of regulations, general construction site layout, data or in situ measurements, infographic treatment documentation obtained, etc.. ). This work is guided by the teacher. Its objective is to optimize both individual and group learning. |
Directed discussion |
Both the group and the individual works are exposed in public, to encourage group members to intervene in their own and others' creative process in a free, informal and spontaneous context. |
Workshop |
Projects are developed by combining different methodologies and tests: attending exhibitions and lectures, by discussion of specific problems of the program, etc. The student works mainly on practical tasks in each exercise, always under the support and supervision of teachers. |
Supervised projects |
It is intended to promote the autonomous learning of students, under the guidance of the teacher. It refers to the learning of "how to do things"; it is the student who assumes responsibility for his training. |
Student portfolio |
As a result of their work at the end of the semester, each student will have developed its own portfolio, accessible through the Moodle teaching platform. This document, elaborated through the group sessions and the workshop, will serve as a basis for personnel qualification and student curriculum vitae. |