Student portfolio |
A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58 |
O resultado final dos traballos realizados na materia plasmarase no portafolios persoal do alumno, dispoñible e accesible a través da plataforma docente Moodle.
Avalíanse os resultados, pero a través dun proceso docente tutelado e guiado, onde o esforzo persoal e a evolución intelectual do alumno deberán aparecer reflectidos na documentación final. |
80 |
Objective test |
A34 A44 A45 A48 |
Os coñecementos instrumentais contidos no temario de docencia expositiva do curso serán avaliados mediante unha proba oxectiva. |
20 |
In order to overcome the course, the student must meet the following requirements:
1- Submit all proposed work, in good time and in an appropriate manner.
2- Attend classes and workshop on a regular basis. (A minimum attendance of 80% is required)
The students in any of the following circumstances will be considered as ABSENT:
1. By not submitting work in good time and in an appropriate manner, or submitting it incomplete. Work not matching the documentation required in the workshop shall be considered as incomplete.
2. Not accomplishing minimun attendance requirements.
3. Not attending the final test exam.
IMPORTANT: To overcome the subject, a minimum mark will be required in each one of the works and tests.
Tests of different opportunities may allow students to complete and modify all or part of their work to overcome part or all the subject.