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Escuela Técnica Superior de Náutica y Máquinas
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Mestrado Universitario en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
  Maniobra Avanzada
   Fuentes de información
CLARK, I.C. (2005). Ship Dynamics for Mariners. The Nautical Institute, London. CLARK, I.C. (2009). Mooring and Anchoring Vol 1. Principles and Practice. The Nautical Institute, London. HENSEN, HENK (2003). Tug Use in Port. A practical guide. The Nautical Institute, London. HOOYER, HENRY H. (1994). Behaviour and Handling of Ships. Cornell Maritime Press, Maryland. Ice Navigation in Canadian Waters (2012) OCIMF (1995). Single Point Mooring Maintenance and Operations Guide. Witherby, London. OCIMF (2008). Mooring Equipment Guidelines. Witherby, London. OCIMF (2010). Anchoring Systems and Procedures. Witherby, London. PAFFETT, J.A. (1990). Ships and Water. The Nautical Institute, London. PLUMMER, CARLYLE J. (1978). Ship Handling in Narrow Channels. Cornell Maritime Press, Cambridge. ROWE, R.W. (2000). The Shiphandler´s Guide.The Nautical Institute, London. The Nautical Institute (1986). Ice Seamanship. The Nautical Institute (1990). The Nautical Institute on Pilotage and Shiphandling, London. Toomey, P.; Lloyd, M.; House, D. and Dickins,D. (2010). The Ice Navigation Manual.  Witherby. Seamanship lnternational Ltd. VERVLOESEM, W.  (2009). Mooring and Anchoring Vol. 2. Inspection and Maintenance. The Nautical Institute, London.

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