Obtain knowledge about the main cognitive and behavioral changes occurring during the aging process, both normal and pathological. Familiarize with the most commonly used assessment instruments to assess psychopathological and behavioral disturbances in older adults. Engage in psychological intervention with older adults.
Contingency plan
The teaching modality of the subject Clinical Psychology in the academic year 2020/21 will be "face-to-face with social distance” as a prevention measure. Tutoring and monitoring of supervised work will preferably be done electronically. If it is not possible to maintain this social distance due to the number of students, or in the case of new health emergencies, a semi-face-to-face (or non-face-to-face) modality will be chosen following this contingency plan.
1. Modifications to the contents. No changes will be made to the content.
2. Methodologies
* Teaching methodologies that are maintained
- Master sessions
- Workshops
- Supervised Work
- Multiple response test
- Personalized attention
* Teaching methodologies that change
Master sessions and workshops will be conducted virtually through Teams and Moodle, combined with digitized material. Monitoring of supervised work and tutoring will be carried out in a non-in-person manner through the same platforms.
3. Mechanisms of personalized attention to students.
Direct communication channels with students will be kept open regularly through institutional platforms (Moodle, Teams), as well as Skype and email.
4. Modifications to the evaluation.
* Evaluation Comments:
If sanitary conditions permit it, the multiple-choice test and the oral presentation of supervised work shall be carried out in person with measures of social distance. In case of a new health emergency, the final test will be conducted online using Microsoft Forms, and the supervised work will be presented telematically in Teams.
5. Modifications to the bibliography or webography. No change.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.