Teaching GuideTerm Faculty of Health Sciences |
Mestrado Universitario en Xerontoloxía (Plan 2011) |
Subjects |
English Language I |
Sources of information |
Identifying Data | 2020/21 | |||||||||||||
Subject | English Language I | Code | 653491019 | |||||||||||
Study programme |
Descriptors | Cycle | Period | Year | Type | Credits | |||||||||
Official Master's Degree | 1st four-month period |
First | Optional | 3 | ||||||||||
Basic |
Grice, Tony (2007). Nursing 1 (Students' book) . Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-0-19-456977-4 |
THERE IS NO SET TEXTBOOK. THE ONE BY GRICE CAN BE USED FOR PREPARATION OF THE SUBJECT. THE FOLLOWING ARE FOR FURTHER READING. MANY OF THESE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY IN THE CAMPUS OF OZA. Baker, Ann. Introducing english pronunciation a teacher’s guide to: tree or three? and ship or sheep? Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Birren, James E. Encyclopedia of gerontology. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2007.
Bond, John. Ageing in society an introduction to social gerontology. 2nd ed. London: Sage, 1994.
Bradley, Robin A. English for nursing and health care a course in general and professional English. Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Brocklehurst·s textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology. 6th edition. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2003.
Diccionario de términos y frases médicas inglés-español, español-inglés. Madrid: Paraninfo, 1996.
Edo Marzá, Nuria. English for patient-administration and non-clinical hospital staff. Alcalá la Real (Jaén): Formación Alcalá, 2011.
Fitzgerald, Patrick. English for medicine in higher education studies: coursebook. Reading, UK: Garnet Education, 2010.
Greenhalgh, Trisha. English for physicians english for medical conferences & presentations = inglés para médicos: inglés para congresosy presentaciones médicas. Madrid: Churchill Livingstone España, 1995.
Moody, Harry R. Aging: concepts and controversies. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks (California): Pine Forge Press, 2010.
Worsfold, Brian. Acculturating age: approaches to cultural gerontology. Lleida: Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2011. Print. Dedal-Lit (Universitat de Lleida) 7.
Complementary | |