Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Health Sciences
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Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
  Paediatrics, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation in Children and Adolescents
Topic Sub-topic
Prof. Antonio Núñez Pérez.
1.1.- Exploration psicopatológica basic in infancy and adolescence. Diagnostic and Classification of the psychiatric disorders infanto-juvenile. Systems of international classification (CIE-10 and DSM-IV TR). Practical cases
1.2.- Disorders Generalised of the Development: Autism, Syndrome of Asperger and other Disorders of the Autistic spectrum. Practical cases.
1.3.- Disorder by deficit of attention and hiperactividad. Syndromes desadaptativos social. Oposicionismo Childish. Practical cases.
1.4.- Disorders of the Alimentary behaviour: Anorexia and nervous Bulimia, Disorder by atracón and other alimentary disorders. Practical cases.
1.5.- Disorders of the state of spirit of early start. Depression in the infancy and adolescence. Suicide in the adolescence.. Practical cases.
1.6.- Esquizofrenia Of early start and Psicosis incipiente. Preventive programs and of precocious detection. Practical cases
1.7.- Other disorders of interest infanto juvenile, general notions: reactive Disorder of links. Anxiety of separation. Obsessive compulsive disorder in infacia and adolescence. Practical cases.
Subject 2.- PEDIATRICS.
Prof. José Luis Rodríguez Villamil.
2.1.- Pathology pediátrica: general Diagram.
2.2.- Prematuridad.
2.3.- Disorders of the central nervous system:
- childish cerebral Paralysis,
- Traumatic brain injury,
2.4.- Peripheral nervous injuries. Paralysis braquial obstétrica and other pathologies.
2.5.- Neuromuscular illnesses: muscular Dystrophies and others.
1.6.- Chromosomal alterations: Trisomy (Syndrome of Down).
1.7.- Other pathologies causantes of occupational dysfunction in the infancy.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes