PROPOSAL 30%/70%
On 1 point, work of group out of class of character preferably practical (study of cases, glimpsed, simulations, among others) or another formula, according to specific methodology organised in ?Initial activities? And evaluated at the end of the matter in the terms that expose the Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
On 1 point, evaluation of clinical cases or another formula, according to specific methodology that will organise and will explain the Prof. José Luis Rodríguez Villamil to the start of his classes.
On 1 point, work of group or another formula, according to specific methodology that will organise and will explain the Prof. Antonio Núñez Pérez to the start of his classes.
To. The Prof. Antonio Núñez Pérez will evaluate on 7 points in his part of examination.
B. The Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego will evaluate on 3.5 points in his part of examination.
C. The Prof. José Luis Rodríguez Villamil will evaluate on 3.5 points in his part of examination.
The final note of the examination will be the average of To with B+C, once reviewed the qualifications by each professor. It will need an equal half qualification or greater to 3.5 points to add with the qualifications of the continuous evaluation. If it was inferior to 3.5 points, the final qualification of the asignatura will be of Suspense/to.
- In relation with the announcement/course, will realise only a final examination, with the three parts, at the earliest opportunity and another in the second opportunity (Julio) to preserve the equity in the deal with the students.
- At the earliest opportunity, the examination will realise in next date to the ending of the classes of the asignatura, case to have the approval of the pertinent university collegiate bodies, to effects to guarantee that the students purchase the competitions of this matter prior to the complete teaching of the asignaturas applied of the vital cycle.
- The asignatura comports and evaluates like an everything: only it will compute the global half qualification of the examination, no the individual qualifications of each professor.
- The responsible professor of the asignatura determines the term of delivery of the revised qualifications of the rest of professors of the asignatura, elaborates and exposes publicly the final qualification in a determinate term for consideration by the students and realises the last matizaciones of quality, context and institutional previously to the introduction of the final qualifications of each student in the computer application in official term.
- The no realisation of some methodology of continuous evaluation by the student will describe as no presented/to (NP) and repercutirá in the final qualification like NP, of equal form will consider the no realisation of any of the parts of the examination.
- The student has right to have a numerical qualification in the continuous evaluation, in both opportunities, in the specific conditions that each professor estimate, very especially in the second opportunity of Julio.
- Observations: To help to achieve some sustainable immediate surroundings and fulfil the strategic aim 9 of the I Plan of Half Sustainability-environmental Green Campus FCS, the documentary works that realise in this asignatura:
to.- Mostly they will request in virtual format and computer support.
b.- To realise in paper:
- they will not use plastic.
- They will realise impressions to double expensive.
- It will employ paper recycled.
- It will avoid the realisation of drafts.