Teaching GuideTerm Faculty of Health Sciences |
Grao en Terapia Ocupacional |
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Identifying Data | 2019/20 | |||||||||||||
Subject | Occupational Therapy, Orthopedic-Prosthetic Techniques and occupational performance | Code | 653G01208 | |||||||||||
Study programme |
Descriptors | Cycle | Period | Year | Type | Credits | |||||||||
Graduate | 1st four-month period |
Second | Obligatory | 4.5 | ||||||||||
Methodologies | Competencies / Results | Description | Qualification |
Guest lecture / keynote speech | A2 A1 A4 A7 A9 A12 A14 A17 A18 A35 B10 B12 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 | Evaluation with modality of mixed proof. | 0 |
Laboratory practice | A3 A6 A10 A11 A15 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B11 B13 B16 B18 B26 B27 B35 B36 B37 | Second criteria that will establish the professor at the beginning of the course before beginning the kinds. |
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Mixed objective/subjective test | A2 A1 A3 A4 A6 A7 A9 A10 A11 A12 A14 A15 A17 A18 A35 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B16 B18 B26 B27 B28 B29 B35 B36 B37 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 | Examen Theoretical, Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego, on 3 points. The examen theoretical, Profª. Isabel Francisco de Miguel, on 1 point, will be integrated together with the evaluación practical, that conviértese in theorist-practical on 7 points, with the determined determining that they will explain in this same guide. |
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Assessment comments | |||
The evaluation of the matter will realise by means of a process of continuous evaluation (practical and theoretical partial proof) and a final examination theorist.
The evaluation will do of the following way: 1.- PRACTICAL CONTINUOUS EVALUATION-THEORETICAL, Profª. Isabel Francisco of Miguel, Fixed Punctuation: 70% (7 points). - PRACTICAL: On 6 points. Considerandos And Criteria of Evaluation on the Practices: On Material that have to contribute the students: - A towel, some scissors, a folder, folios, a metre, rotuladores (one indeleble), a cuter. - Knife, fork and spoon, brush peel, keys, among others that they will inform , for the realisation of products of support. On Laboratory of Practices: - compulsory Assistance and participate in educational activities. Any absence of greater cause has to be warned previously and justified documentalmente a posteriori in the most brief term possible. - Recognise, handle and work with the different thermoplastic materials. - Understanding, development and realisation in the process of design of patterns. - Preparation and preparation of splints. - Preparation and preparation of products of support-initiative with regard to other products of support. - Dedication out of the schedule of class like personal work for the realisation of the portafolios. On final Result, evaluation: - Realisation of patterns. Presentation in CD of the realisation of the patterns and of the theory of the splints that present . - Splint of rest in functional position, Splint of rest antiespástica, Splint syndrome tunel carpiano, Splint of Quervain, Splint of the thumb, Splint of Mallet and Splint in I. - Products of Support and Adaptations realised in the feeding (knife, fork, spoon), in the aséo (toothbrush, comb, ...) And others to choose. - Portafolios With the patterns of the realised in the asignatura. - Work of splints and products of support realised and presented in a box (precintada) with name and surnames of the student. - THEORY: On 1 point. - Assessment of theoretical knowledges by means of proof written. The professor will determine place and date for the partial proof. 2.- FINAL EXAMINATION THEORIST, Prof. Sergio Santos of the Irrigation, Variable Punctuation: 30% (3 points). FINAL QUALIFICATION: to.- Sumatorio Of the previously expressed parts, with the following considerandos: - In the evaluation continued theoretical practical has to have a minimum of 4 points (on 7). The practices evaluate on 6 points. The theory evaluates on 1 point. If the student obtains 0.5 or more qualification in the theory, the great punctuation to the qualification of practices. If the student obtains less than 0.5, will subtract of the qualification of practices of the following way: Students with 0.4 in the theory, will subtract 0.6 of the qualification of practices. Students with 0.3 in the theory, will subtract 0.7 of the qualification of practices. Students with 0.2 in the theory, will subtract 0.8 of the qualification of practices. Students with 0.1 in the theory, will subtract 0.9 in the qualification of practices. Students with 0 in the theory, will subtract 1 point in the qualification of practices. Students no presented to the theory, will have a qualification of no presented in the continuous evaluation. - In the evaluation of the final examination theorist will be necessary a 1.5 (on 3) to realise the sumatorio with the qualification that obtain of the definite continuous evaluation (fixed punctuation). b.-The practical are compulsory. The absence in practices, without justifying or justified, of a number or percentage that will establish the professor to the beginning of the course on the total or of hours or of classes supposes a no presented or a suspense of the asignatura, according to context. c.- The no presented or suspense in the fixed punctuation does not prevent to present to the announcement of the second edition (July). In this announcement will realise , with a high level of exigencia, a theoretical examination-practical, court or similar (on 7 points), to criterion of the professor, and a theoretical examination (on 3 points) to criterion of the professor. d.- The professors will deliver his REVISED qualifications, according to valid legal rule of reviews of examinations, in the term established by the responsible professor of the asignatura, that will be the half of the official term marked in the Rectorship for the closing and signature of records in the computer application. And.- The manager of the asignatura will realise the last contextual and institutional considerations and will proceed to the introduction of the final qualifications in the computer application and to the signature of the record. The system of qualifications will express by means of numerical qualification in accordance with the established in the art. 5 of the Royal decree 1125/2003 of 5 September (BOE 18 September), by which establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in the university degrees of official character and validity in all the national territory System of qualifications: 0-4.9=Suspense 5-6.9=Approved 7-8.9=Remarkable 9-10=Excellent 9-10 Matrícula of Honour (Graciable). *According to The normnativa of the UDC for the estudantes enrolled part time (Norm that regulates or réxime of dedication ao estudo two estudantes of grao na Universidade gives Coruña - Council of governed do 29 of maio do 2012) these have right to a diet of assistance to class of flexible character, requesting previously dispenses it special academician (art.4 section.5), not affecting negatively to the process of evaluation of the student. |