Rehabilatition of Adults with Physical Disabilities
Study programme
Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
1st four-month period
Teaching method
Fisioterapia, Medicina e Ciencias Biomédicas
Santos del Riego, Sergio Eduardo
Montoto Marqués, Antonio
Rodríguez Sotillo, Antonio
Santos del Riego, Sergio Eduardo
General description
This asignatura pretends the development of competitions that allow to the alumnado comprise and apply the knowledges related with the medical Rehabilitation in the adult with physical disability.
Contingency plan
1. Modifications to the contents
- they will not realise changes.
- The teaching of the matter during the course 2020-2021 will realise of hybrid way (face-to-face+no face-to-face), according to pandemia of the covid and other considerandos (ideal classroom or institutional subjects and academicians of the each professor).
2. Methodologies
*Teaching methodologies that are maintained
- initial Activities
- Session magistral
- Study of cases
- Proof written
*Teaching methodologies that are modified
- Any.
3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students
Email: Daily, with the exception of the weekends and festive. Of use to do queries, request virtual meetings and to resolve doubts. They will answer in schedule of morning of the work days.
Moodle: According to the need of the alumnado. It will answer een matutinal schedule of work days. It has of forums.
Tutorías According to official calendar: Face-to-face the Teams to criterion of the professor, according to context.
On no account it will answer queries through social networks (facebook, messenguer, etc...).
The chat only will be of use for the representatives of the class of a very restricted way with the/the manager of the matter.
4. Modifications in the evaluation
FIRST And SECOND OPPORTUNITY, PLAN I, Of first election (10 points, minimum to approve five points): The examination written face-to-face, according to procedure established in the guide GADU will be able to advance for the whole and with the agreement of the alumnado, to criterion of the profesorado, in the previous months in the most adapted date according to the sanitary and social context of the pandemia. The advance would cancel the option to examine in the official date established in official calendar for January/February.
FIRST And SECOND OPPORTUNITY PLAN B, Only, in case again be of alarm and confinement (10 points, minimum to approve, 5 points).
It would realise , preferably:
- Examination written recorded Teams. Of in the be feasible technically the previously mentioned proof, alternative: in his Oral moment Teams, and/or Works and/or questionnaires test, to criterion of the profesorado.
Writing Teams recorded:
With the new technologies that will implant from the Computer Service (49 cameras/screen) and other improvements.
Oral Teams:
short Questions during aprox. 10-15 minutes/student in announcement with the relation of alumnado previously organised. It will evaluate to each student/to of way individualizada (of one in one). To be necessary in several sessions, preferably of afternoon, in schedules that determine the FCS. It will record audio-video of the examination of each student/to.
Works: To determine by the profesorado of each matter.
Questionnaires test.
REVIEW: Face-to-face or Oral Teams in date and hour to determine.
*Evaluation observations:
5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy
They will not realise changes. They have of all the materials of work of way digitalizada in Moodle situated by each one of the members of the profesorado of the matter.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.