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University College of Technical Architecture
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Grao en Arquitectura Técnica
  Architectural Graphic Expression II
Topic Sub-topic
Concept of constructive section. Types. Criteria of election. Learn to represent the parts seccionadas of the buildings with unseen parts of these with complex internal composition. - Differentiate the multiple types of sections that can employ in the definition of the building, executing them in the appropriate place. - Use the number of necessary sections to define the construction of a building.
Conditioning of the Terrain. You disassemble. Demoliciones, explanaciones, disassemble, terraplenados, castings, resolve and pozos. Simbologia And representation grafica. Planes of group and of detail.
Saneamientos, drainages and avenamientos. Elements of drainage, drain superficial and drain linear.
Caskets, pozos, manifolds, works of drainage
Types of drainage:
-Drainage of walls of containment
-Drainages of cimentaciones
-Drainages of soleras, of trasdós, etc
Planes of group and of details.
Cimentaciones. Containments:
-Walls of gravity
-resistant Walls
-Superficial: run, losas, beams centradoras, zapatas.
Structures. Of steel, Space, Forged, Supports, Beams, Zancas, Of factory, of Concrete, of Brick, of Stone.
General planes and of detail.
Carpinterias. Of steel, of Light Alloys, of Hormigon, wooden, of PVC,
general Planes and of detail.
Defences, Rails, Closings. Persianas: Types and Systems
Rails, Fixations,etc Folding
, extensible, enrollables, etc
Guides, capialzados, drum, motorisation etc
general Planes and of detail.
Factories. Of block
Of brick
Of glass
general Planes and of detail.
Installations. Audiovisual
Depuración and poured
Smokes and gases
Of transport
Simbologia, general planes and of details.
Partitions. Mamparas: Steel, Light Alloys, Wood, etc
Septums: Brick, Prefabricated,
general Planes and of detail.
Covers. Azoteas Ladscaped
No transitables
Roofs of fibrocemento
light Alloys
Of Knit
Of General
Flat Zinc and of detail.
Revestimientos. And paramentos vertical and horizontals:
Tiled, chapados, enfoscados,light, industrial, wooden, laminados, moquetas,of ceilings etc.
General Planes and of detail.
New materials and systems of ultima generation. Façades trasventiladas: Stone, Marmol, fenolicos. Ceramicos, Aluminium Etc
Signposts no portantes of coating of the structural plot of a building.
General planes and of detail.
Global work Specify. Work realised by groups of students in him cual develops a work that engloba all the matter that explain along the course.
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