Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Technical Architecture
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Grao en Arquitectura Técnica
  Architectural Graphic Expression II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Field trip B15 B28 C5 Specified in the section 5. 10
Supervised projects A2 A6 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B14 B15 B25 B27 B28 C1 C3 C8 They will supervise all and each one of the works developed by the student to personal level, and will orient him regarding his quality of grafismo, constructive appearances and presentation and where has to incidir to improve the appearances indicated previously. 80
Student portfolio A2 A6 B2 B14 C6 C7 C8 In the folder or archivador of the student iran classifying his practical works: And regularly they will have personal sessions, tutorias personalised, with each one for realisations of autoevaluación and comments of the professor on his progress. 10
Assessment comments
The students will have to show, to be evaluated positively, that have reached the necessary knowledges in the contents, mentioned previously, to dominate this matter, and that they would be the following:

1.-Concept of constructive section. Types. Criteria of election.
2.-Conditioning of the Terrain. You disassemble.
3.-Saneamientos, drainages and avenamientos.
7.-Defences, Rails, Closings.
13.-New materials and systems of ultima generation.

For the evaluation of the asignatura demands an assistance regulate so much to the classes expositivas as to the interactive, with a minimum of 80% of assistance in each one of them.

The teaching of the asignatura of Graphic Expression II bases in a methodology of learning, subject to a system of continuous evaluation.

To surpass the asignatura, by course will owe to fulfil the following condition:

1.-Have been delivered all the practices and individual works and each one/or of them/will have to have you been considered/or how apt/or.

This criterion also is applicable so much to the First how to the Second Opportunity:

The students that do not surpass the asignatura by course will have to deliver the corresponding works in the date fixed for the First Opportunity of evaluation (JANUARY) or, in his case, in the date fixed for the Second Opportunity of evaluation (JUNE-JULIO). In these deliveries will have to follow obligatoriamente the indications, fixed in the tutorías corresponding, of the responsible professor of the matter.

IMPORTANT: it will have the condition of NO PRESENTED the student that find in any of the following circumstances:

- Not fulfilling with the minimum of assistance demanded.
- Not delivering any of the works proposed.

It will not allow complete or modify the works out of the dates of distinguished delivery.
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