Type A
Code |
Study programme competences / results - Specific |
A1 |
Adquirir os coñecementos fundamentais sobre matemáticas, estatística, física, química e acústica como soporte para o desenvolvemento das habilidades e destrezas propias da titulación. |
A2 |
Adquirir os coñecementos fundamentais sobre os sistemas e aplicacións informáticas específicos e xerais utilizados no ámbito da edificación. |
A3 |
Coñecer os materiais, tecnoloxías, equipos, sistemas e procesos construtivos propios da edificación en xeral e en particular aqueles específicos de Galicia. |
A4 |
Coñecer as técnicas e procesos de restauración, rehabilitación, acondicionamento, patoloxía, mantemento e conservación dos edificios en xeral e en particular aqueles específicos do patrimonio cultural constituído pola arquitectura popular e histórica galega. |
A5 |
Coñecer a evolución histórica dos materiais, tecnoloxías, procedementos, métodos, sistemas e elementos construtivos. |
A6 |
Coñecer e aplicar os distintos sistemas de representación así como as técnicas e procedementos de expresión gráfica aplicados á edificación e ás construcións arquitectónicas. |
A7 |
Coñecer e aplicar as técnicas e equipos topográficos para a toma de datos, procesamento, representación, replanteo, levantamento gráfico e restitución. |
A8 |
Deseñar, calcular e executar estruturas de edificación. |
A9 |
Deseñar, calcular e executar instalacións de edificación. |
A10 |
Coñecer as técnicas de xestión económica e de xestión de empresas así como da xestión e optimización dos recursos humanos e materiais necesarios. |
A11 |
Coñecer e aplicar as técnicas e procedementos de planificación, programación e organización do proceso de construción da obra. |
A12 |
Coñecer as técnicas de xestión, aseguranza e control da calidade, así como as técnicas de xestión medioambiental e construción sustentable. |
A13 |
Realizar medicións, presupostos e avaliación de custos na edificación. |
A14 |
Adquirir os coñecementos necesarios sobre xestión urbanística e dereito aplicado á edificación. |
A15 |
Redactar proxectos técnicos no ámbito da edificación. |
A16 |
Coñecer e aplicar as técnicas de avaliación e prevención de riscos, deseño de estudos e planes, así como dos procesos de coordinación da seguridade e saúde laboral na edificación. |
A17 |
Dominar de forma oral e escrita un idioma estranxeiro no nivel técnico propio do ámbito da edificación. |
A18 |
Dirixir e xestionar o proceso de execución da obra. |
A19 |
Aplicar as técnicas, interpretar resultados e tomar decisións para o control da calidade da obra. |
A20 |
Aplicar as técnicas de xestión da calidade, xestión medioambiental e construción sustentable. |
A21 |
Aplicar as técnicas de control e xestión económica da edificación. |
A22 |
Administrar e xestionar a adquisición dos materiais, sistemas e recursos propios do proceso construtivo. |
A23 |
Implementar os planes de seguridade e o seu control en obra. |
A24 |
Planificar e xestionar a conservación, mantemento, explotación e uso do edificio así como a inspección técnica do mesmo. |
A25 |
Deseñar e redactar estudos e planes de evacuación e seguridade dos edificios. |
A26 |
Deseñar e redactar estudos de ciclo de vida útil, avaliación de eficiencia enerxética e sustentabilidade dos edificios. |
A27 |
Desenvolver auditorías de proxectos e de execución de obras. |
A28 |
Desenvolver auditorías de sistemas de calidade e medioambiente. |
A29 |
Elaborar estudos, certificados, ditames, documentos e informes técnicos. |
A30 |
Elaborar peritacións, tasacións, valoracións e estudos de viabilidade económica. |
A31 |
Redactar, analizar, controlar, xestionar e desenvolver proxectos técnicos. |
A32 |
Efectuar procesos de planificación, xestión e control urbanístico. |
A33 |
Analizar a viabilidade urbanística de solares e elaborar documentos relacionados co planeamento, xestión e control urbanístico. |
A34 |
Realizar asesoramentos inmobiliarios. |
A35 |
Deseñar sistemas de acondicionamento acústico e verificar e avaliar o comportamento acústico dos edificios. |
A36 |
A0.1 Ability to use applied knowledge of calculus, numerical analysis, linear algebra, coordinate and differential geometry, statistical analysis and probability. |
A37 |
A0.2 Applied knowledge of the principles of general mechanics, structural systems statistics, mass point geometry, and elastic behaviour of solids (principles and analysis methods). |
A38 |
A0.3 Ability to use spatial representation systems, sketching, dimensioning, and graphical representation language and techniques for building elements and processes. |
A39 |
A0.4 Understanding of the chemical properties of the materials used in construction, how they are made and tested, their geological origin and environmental impact, and recycling and waste management strategies. |
A40 |
A0.5 Understanding of the basic and theoretical principles of fluid mechanics, hydraulics, electricity and electromagnetism, calorimetry, hygrothermal analysis and acoustics applied to construction. |
A41 |
A0.6 Working knowledge of the concept of business, legal business frameworks, models of organisation, planning, oversight and strategic decision-making in contexts of risk, certainty and uncertainty, systems of production, costs, funding sources, and budget and financial planning. |
A42 |
A0.7 Ability to manage small companies and work as part of a multidisciplinary team at a large company. |
A43 |
A0.8 Basic understanding of the legal framework governing public sector bodies and the procedures for public and private sector procurement. |
A44 |
A1.1 Ability to read and create plans and drawings, carry out data collection, draft site plans and conduct as-built surveys of completed sections of the work. |
A45 |
A1.2 Understanding of architectural infographics and construction mapping methods and techniques. |
A46 |
A1.3 Ability to use topographical surveying equipment, and conduct subsequent drafting of site and building plans and setting out. |
A47 |
A2.1 Understanding of the different types and physical and mechanical properties of traditional and prefabricated building materials and systems. |
A48 |
A2.2 Ability to adapt building materials to the type of building and its intended use, manage, oversee and monitor reception, quality and installation of materials, completion of each stage of the work, and final tests and checks. |
A49 |
A2.3 Understanding of the historical evolution of building elements and techniques, and the structural systems behind certain stylistic forms. |
A50 |
A2.4 Ability to select building elements and systems, define their function, assess compatibility, and oversee their installation and implementation. |
A51 |
A2.5 Ability to address and resolve construction details. |
A52 |
A2.6 Understanding of the specific monitoring and inspection procedures to be carried out during construction. |
A53 |
A2.7 Ability to establish the signs and causes of building damage, propose solutions for the repair and prevention of defects, and analyse the useful life of building elements and systems. |
A54 |
A2.8 Ability to participate in renovation work on buildings and restoration and conservation work on built heritage. |
A55 |
A2.9 Ability to create and manage the implementation of building maintenance plans and manuals. |
A56 |
A3.1 Ability to apply building rules and standards, and draw up technical specifications in relation to building methods and procedures. |
A57 |
A3.2 Ability to apply specific standards and regulations governing technical installations. |
A58 |
A3.3 Ability to carry out initial sizing, design, calculation and testing of structures, and oversee their implementation. |
A59 |
A3.4 Ability to design and develop building systems and facilities, plan and monitor their installation, inspect commissioning and completion testing, and monitor maintenance. |
A60 |
A3.5 Understanding of techniques and procedures for assessing building energy efficiency. |
A61 |
A3.6 Ability to analyse and create building evacuation plans. |
A62 |
A4.1 Ability to plan and organise construction processes, equipment, and human and technical resources to carry out construction and maintenance work. |
A63 |
A4.2 Understanding of construction law and the contractual relationships created at different stages of the building process. |
A64 |
A4.3 Ability to create a basic health and safety study, and a health and safety survey and plan, and coordinate workplace safety at the planning and building stages of the project. |
A65 |
A4.4 Ability to manage quality control during construction, to draft, apply, implement and update quality control plans and manuals, to audit companies’ quality control management practices, and to create a building record for the project. |
A66 |
A4.5 Understanding of the professional framework and qualifications structure for Architectural Technicians, professional offices and associations, codes and regulations governing the activities of the profession, and the responsibilities associated with the role. |
A67 |
A4.6 Working knowledge of legislation and specific regulations governing construction health and safety management and protection. |
A68 |
A4.7 Understanding of environmental impact and sustainability assessment in relation to building and demolition processes. |
A69 |
A4.8 Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the different participants in the building process, their professional or business structures, and associated administrative and management processes. |
A70 |
A4.9 Understanding of the professions and basic procedures involved in building and development. |
A71 |
A5.1 Ability to estimate basic, unit, supplementary unit and item prices, create a price plan, analyse and monitor costs during the construction process, and prepare quotes. |
A72 |
A5.2 Ability to carry out market research, assessment and valuation, building feasibility studies, and appraisal and valuation of financial risk and losses. |
A73 |
A5.3 Understanding of the legal framework for urban planning and management. |
A74 |
A6.1 Ability to use advanced tools to meet and manage technical plan elements. |
A75 |
A6.2 Ability to draft technical plans for work and building that do not require architectural plans, and for demolition and decoration works. |
A76 |
A6.3 Ability to draft documents related to multidisciplinary construction projects. |
A77 |
A6.4 Ability to analyse and implement construction plans. |
A78 |
A6.5 Ability to analyse, design and implement solutions to create universal access to buildings and their external environment. |
Type B
Code |
Study programme competences / results - Basic / General |
B1 |
Capacidade de análise e síntese. |
B2 |
Capacidade de organización e planificación. |
B3 |
Capacidade para a procura, análise, selección, utilización e xestión da información. |
B4 |
Coñecementos de informática relativos ao ámbito de estudo. |
B5 |
Capacidade para a resolución de problemas. |
B6 |
Capacidade para a toma de decisións. |
B7 |
Capacidade de traballo en equipo. |
B8 |
Capacidade para traballar nun equipo de carácter interdisciplinario. |
B9 |
Capacidade para traballar nun contexto internacional. |
B10 |
Habilidades nas relacións interpersoais. |
B11 |
Recoñecemento e apreciación da diversidade e a multiculturalidade. |
B12 |
Razoamento crítico. |
B13 |
Compromiso ético. |
B14 |
Aprendizaxe autónomo. |
B15 |
Adaptación a novas situacións. |
B16 |
Capacidade de aplicar os coñecementos na práctica. |
B17 |
Creatividade e innovación. |
B18 |
Iniciativa e espírito emprendedor. |
B19 |
Capacidade de liderado, diálogo e negociación. |
B20 |
Coñecemento de outras culturas e costumes. |
B21 |
Motivación pola calidade. |
B22 |
Sensibilidade cara a temas de seguridade laboral, accesibilidade, sustentabilidade e medioambiente. |
B23 |
Orientación a resultados. |
B24 |
Orientación ao cliente. |
B25 |
Hábito de estudo e método de traballo. |
B26 |
Capacidade de razoamento, discusión e exposición de ideas propias. |
B27 |
Capacidade de comunicación a través da palabra e da imaxe. |
B28 |
Capacidade de improvisación e adaptación para enfrontarse a novas situacións. |
B29 |
Actitude vital positiva fronte ás innovacións sociais e tecnolóxicas. |
B30 |
Sensibilidade cara a temas relacionados coa protección, conservación e posta en valor do patrimonio cultural e arquitectónico. |
B31 |
B1 Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subjects that build upon the foundation of a general secondary education using advanced textbooks and ideas and analyses from the cutting edge of their field. |
B32 |
B2 Students will be able to use their knowledge professionally and will possess the skills required to formulate and defend arguments and solve problems within their area of study. |
B33 |
B3 Students will have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (especially within their field of study) in order to make decisions and reflect on social, scientific and ethical matters. |
B34 |
B4 Students will be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences alike. |
B35 |
B5 Students will develop the learning skills and autonomy they need to continue their studies at postgraduate level. |
B36 |
B6 Ability to analyse and summarise information. |
B37 |
B7 Ability to organise, plan and work as part of a team. |
B38 |
B8 Ability to search for, analyse, select, apply and manage information with a view to continuing their professional self-education on an ongoing basis. |
B39 |
B9 Digital literacy skills relevant to their area of study. |
Type C
Code |
Study programme competences / results - Transversal / Nuclear |
C1 |
Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages. |
C2 |
Mastering oral and written expression in a foreign language. |
C3 |
Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning. |
C4 |
Acting as a respectful citizen according to democratic cultures and human rights and with a gender perspective. |
C5 |
Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people. |
C6 |
Acquiring skills for healthy lifestyles, and healthy habits and routines. |
C7 |
Developing the ability to work in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary teams in order to offer proposals that can contribute to a sustainable environmental, economic, political and social development. |
C8 |
Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development for the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society. |
C9 |
Ability to manage times and resources: developing plans, prioritizing activities, identifying critical points, establishing goals and accomplishing them. |