Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Información e Documentación

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Fourth Year
710G02034 Administration of Archives 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02035 Arquivos de empresas 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02051 Business Archives 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02033 Information Policies 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02037 Information Sources in Science and Technology 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02032 Municipal Archives 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02031 Nature and Development of Information Units 1st four-month period
Optional 6
710G02052 Internships (Prácticum) 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 12
710G02039 Design of Online Information Resources 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
710G02036 Digital Libraries 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
710G02041 Documentation Techniques Applied to Scientific Research 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
710G02045 Final Dissertation 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
710G02042 Promotions of Services in Information Units 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
710G02040 Retrieval and Evaluation of Electronic Information 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes