Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Humanidades e Documentación
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Grao en Información e Documentación
  Administración de Arquivos Históricos
Temas Subtemas
1. Main concepts and Archives 1.1 Some concepts
1.2 Some historical Archives
1.3 Practical tasks
2. The Archivist and the Archival document 2.1 Professional Responsibilities
2.2 The purpose of Archives
2.3 The cycle of documents from their creation to the researcher´s hands
2.4 Forms of manuscripts
2.5 Practical tasks
3. Selection and Transfer of records 3.1 Paper records´transfer
3.2 Digital transfer steps
3.3 Practical tasks
4. Describing information 4.1 Introduction
4.2 ISAD(G)
4.5 Practical tasks
5. Historical scripts 5.1 The Roman system of scripts
5.2 The national hands or sub-Roman hands
5.3 The Insular system
5.4 Anglo-Saxon scripts
5.5 Protogothic scripts or Littera Minuscule Protogothica
5.6 The Gothic system
5.7 Italian scripts
5.8 The Humanistic system
5.9 Egyptian scripts
5.10 Practical tasks
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