Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry
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  Clinical Nursing I
Topic Sub-topic
Learning Unit I: GENERAL CLINICS .
- Conceptual basis of clinical nursing.
- Taxonomy diagnostics, NANDA NIC and NOC .
- The Nurse Dossier
- The inflammatory and infectious processes .
- Electrolyte disturbances is acid - base.
- Care of wounds and soft tissue.
- Nursing care the people with pain .
- Nursing care to people with hemorrhagic syndrome
- Care of the medical- surgical patients : issues and trends.
- How to Apply Process Nursing Care Clinic nurses.
- How to make a hypothesis diagnosed nurse.
- The dossier nurse.
- Isolation Hospital .
- Aterials and venous blood gas Interpretations.
- Types of treatments for pain .
- Care for people with disorders of tissues and wounds .
- Care for people with disorders or disorders of the pathologies with hemorrhagic syndrome : aspects and trends.
Learning unit II: nursing care Persons under surgery - Care Persons under surgery : issues and trends.
Learning unit III: Attention of Nursing the people subjected the surgical intervention Nursing care for people with impaired respiratory function.
Learning Unit IV : nursing care for people with impaired vascular function. - Nursing care to people with impaired vascular function dela , issues and trends .
Learning Unit V : Nursing care for people with impaired renal and urinary . - Nursing care to people with impaired renal and urinary function : issues and trends.
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