Case study |
Methodology, by means of the Collaborative Work , where the subject confronts in front of the description of a specific situation that rises a problem that has to be comprised, valued and resolved by a group of people, through one process of discussion. The student situates in front of a concrete problem (case), that describes him a real situation of the professional life, and owes to be able to analyze a series of facts, referents it a particular field of the knowledge or of the action, to arrive the a decision reasoned through one process of discussion in small groups of work.
- The groups estaran compounds of 5 to 7 students.
- The realizacion of this activity and mandatory and computes a 20%. |
Supervised projects |
Methodology, by means of the Collaborative Work, designed to promote the autonomous learning of the students, low the guardianship of the professor and in escenario varied (academics and professionals). It is referred prioritariamente to the learning of the "Like doing the things". It constitutes an option based in the asunción put students of the responsibility by the his propio learning.
This system of teaching bases in two basic elements: the independent learning of the students and the tracking of this learning put professor-tutor.
- Poderan Be individual works or in group.
- The groups estaran compounds by 5 to 7 students.
- The realization and mandatory and computes 20% |
Collaborative learning |
Conxunto de procedementos de ensino-aprendizaxe guiados de forma presencial e/ou apoiados con tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións, que se basean na organización de pequenos grupos nos que o alumnado traballa conxuntamente na resolución de tarefas asignadas polo profesorado para optimizar a súa propia aprendizaxe e a dos outros membros do grupo.
- A sua realización e obrigatoria e computa 20% da nota.
- Será necesario acadar unha puntuación de 5 puntos (sobre 10) para sumar as calificación do resto de actividades.
Esta metodoloxía realizarase de maneira virtual utilizando as ferramentas informáticas institucionais, sendo o Campus Virtual a canle principal de comunicación entre os docentes e o alumnado. |