Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry
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Grao en Podoloxía
Topic Sub-topic

1. Introduction to Biology. Cell theory. Levels of organization of living organisms. Biomolecules: glucids, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
BLOQUE II. CELL BIOLOGY. 2. The cell membrane: structure and composition. Functions of cell membrane. Endocitosis. Exocitosis. Cell pathology anc clinical correlations.
3. The nucleus: general structure of the interfasic nucleus. Cromatine y cromosomes. Cell transcription and translation. Regulation of gene expression. Epigenetics and clinical correlation.
4. The cytoplasm. Structure and function of the citosol. Cytoscheleton and cell motility. Structure and function of the endomembranous system: endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus and lysosomes. Peroxisomes. Mitochondria structure and function. Clinical correlation.
5. The cell and its context. Extracellular matrix. Cell adhesion. Cell communication and signalling. Types of cell communication. General stages in cell communication. Clinical correlation.
6. Cell cycle and its regulation. DNA replication. Mitosis and Meiosis. Cell death. Apoptosis. Mechanisms of tissue repair.
7. Tumors and cancer. Nomenclature. Origen and development. Properties of cancer cells.
BLOCK III. GENETICS: INHERITANCE. 8. Cellular and molecular basis of inheritance. Mendelian inheritance. Changes in genetic material (mutations) and Evolution Theory.
BLOQUE IV. ANIMAL TISSUES 9. Introduction to animal tissues. Concept of tissue. General characteristics, functions and classification of animal tissues.
10. Histogenesis and cell differentiation. Stem cells. Embryologic origin of animal tissues.
11. Epithelial tissue. General characteristics and functions. Classification. Covering epithelia. Glandular epithelia.
12. Connective tissue. General characteristics. Types and extracellular matrix. Varieties. Adipose tissue: general characteristics and types. Cartilaginous tissue: general characteristics, histogenesis and varieties. Bone: general characteristics, microscopic structure and histogenesis. Blood: general characteristics and hematopoiesis.
13. Muscle. General characteristics. Types. Skeletal muscle. Organization and structure. Miofibers. Structure of cardiac muscle. Structure and distribution of smooth muscle.
14. Nervous tissue. General characteristics and functions of the nervous tissue. Neuron. Glia. Fibers structure and types. Synapses: general characteristics. Types of synapses. Neurotransmitters.
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