1. The subjects or the lines of the TFM and the tutorías corresponding will propose of way reasoned and will remit to the Academic Commission of the Máster ( CAM ) in the term that this determine, from the teaching staff that have docencia assigned in this subject. Them/the students be able to propose him to the teaching staff lines or subjects so that they can be incorporated to the offer.
2. The CAM will approve and will do public a list with the subjects and the tutorías associated it each, as well as with the number of students that can choose each subject and the criteria of assignment. Devandita List will guarantee a number of tutorías sufficient in regard to the number of students enrolled in the TFM during it study academic.
3. In the terms marked by the CAM, the student will owe to request ( covering the ANNEX I ) the assignment, by order of preference, of one minimum of two subjects or lines. The CAM will commission to prepare a proposal of provisional assignment, in that will try to respect the options manifested pole student and the professor/is affected, as well as the principle of equality of opportunities. For dirimir the priorities in the election of subject or director/will value it how criterion the academic file.
4. With the publication of this provisional proposal will establish a period of claims. Finalized this, the CAM will publish a definitive list. Any back modification will have to effected of common agreement go in the students and the affected teaching staff, and anyway always that the commission authorize and publish.
5. Once published the definitive list, the student and the/the director/is cumprimentarán the Annex II.