Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Work Sciences
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Mestrado Universitario en Prevención de Riscos Laborais e Riscos Comúns
  Master Thesis
   Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Research (Research project)
1. The TFM will be directed by a member of the profesorado with teaching in the plan of studies of the title of Máster. Such professor or professor will be responsible of:
the. Expose him to the/to the student whose tutoría exert the characteristics of the work and orient it/the in his development.
b. Realise a follow-up of the preparation of the TFM and look after the fulfillment of the aims fixed.
c. Authorise the presentation and defence of the TFM, as well as issue the timely report.

2. The TFM will be able to be directed by more than a person. In whose case, at least one of them will have to be a member of the profesorado that gives teaching in the title of Máster in that I was enrolled the/the student. On the other hand, if in the frame of an agreement of practical the/the student has to develop part of the TFM or his whole in another distinct organism of the UDC, one of the people that direct the work will be able to belong the that entity, with the end that it collaborate in the definition and the development of the TFM.

3. The subject that it went object the TFM will have to make possible that the/the student realise it in 150 hours, equivalents to 6 credits ETCS, assigned the this matter in the plan of studies.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes