Metodoloxías Competencias / Resultados Descrición Cualificación
Seminario A1 A6 A13 A15 B4 B6 B7 C2 C7 Written assignments completed either inside or outside class. 20
Proba obxectiva A1 A6 A13 A15 B4 B6 B7 C2 C3 C7 Written examination consisting of the following exercises:

a) Translation (ES_EN) of two texts of approximately 200 -250 words each. Students will be given a choice of between three and five texts from two sub-genres of tourism divided into two sections and will be expected to choose one translation from EACH section.

b) Written internal or external business communication based on ample input, written in the correct tone and applying a suitable layout, guaranteeing a correct communicative impact.
Discusión dirixida A1 A6 A13 A15 B4 B6 B7 C2 C3 C7 One-to-one oral examination based on work covered in class lasting between 10 and minutes. Students will be provided with some form of input and will be expected to communicate fluently and appropriately using the language of tourism 30
Observacións avaliación

Students who fail to comply with the 80% attendance requirement may not opt for the 20% of the final grade assigned to seminar work; instead, their written exam will be graded as 70%.

In the second opportunity (July) the grade breakdown will be 70% written exam and 30% oral exam only.

In order to pass this subject, students are required to obtain a passing grade (50%) on BOTH the oral and written sections of the exam.