Bibliografía básica Lynda Edwards and Jacky Newbrook (2014). Gold Advanced Exam Maximiser (without key) . Harlow, UK; Pearson (Price: about 25€)

Os alumnos deben adquirir o libro de texto e traelo a clase de maneira habitual. 

Bibliografía complementaria Sally Burgess and Amanda Thomas (2014). Gold Advanced Coursebook. Harlow, UK; Pearson
Jones, Leo (2001). New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge, CUP.
Mann, M. (2008). Destination C1&C2: grammar and vocabulary. MacMillan
Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. (1985). A University Grammar of English. London, Longman
Side, Richard and Guy Wellman (2000). Grammar and Vocabulary for CAE and CPE. London: Longman
Swan, M. (1996). Practical English Usage. Oxford: O.U.P.
Tims, Nicholas et al. ( 2014). Face2face Advanced Workbook. Cambridge, UK: CUP ISBN 1107690587
Vince, Michael (2009). Advanced Language Practice. English Grammar and Vocabulary. (WITH KEY) MacMillan Publishers

Estes 8 libros son para referencia e estudo soamente.