Temas Subtemas
1. Towards 'The Real Thing': From Romance to realism in the literature of the United States, 1850-1914 1. American realities and literary realism: Mark Twain and Henry James
2. From regionalism to naturalism: Kate Chopin and Stephen Crane
2. 'A Homemade World': American Modernism and its context, 1914-1945 1. Poetry: Frost, Pound, Williams, Stevens, Moore.
2. Prose: Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner
3. Post-War to postmodern to ... 1. Post-war angst: Salinger
2. Postmodern uncertainties: Donald Barthelme, Tim O'Brien
3. Multicultural multiplicity: Sandra Cisneros
4. After the "post-", after 9/11: Don DeLillo