Temas Subtemas
“American Stories X” • Chuck Palahniuk: “Guts”
• Coco Fusco: Only Skin Deep. Changing Visions of the American Self
• Coco Fusco: English Is Broken Here
• Fredric Jameson: The Cultures of Globalization
“The Matrix”: Simulated City. • Jessica Abel: La Perdida
• Howard Zinn: A People's History of the US
• Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulation
“Metapolis” • Kathy Acker: Great Expectations
• Julia Kristeva: Powers of Horror
• John Cameron Mitchell: Shortbus
• Judith Butler: Bodies That Matter
“Cannibal City” • Chuck Palahniuk: Invisible Monsters
• Donna Haraway: A Cyborg Manifesto
• David Cronenberg: Crash
• Hannah Arendt: On Violence
“Nomadic City” • Cornel West: Race Matters
• Alice Walker: You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down
• Quentin Tarantino: Django Unchained
“Non City” • Paul Auster: Travels in the Scriptorium
• David Harvey: Rebel Cities
• Chan-wook Park: Oldboy
“Terrain Vague” • Charles Bukowski: Tales of Ordinary Madness
• Mike Davis: City of Quartz
• David Lynch: Lost Highway
• Leslie Benzies: Grand Theft Auto V