Bibliografía básica

Chuck Palahniuk: “Guts”

Coco Fusco: Only Skin Deep. Changing Visions of the American Self

Fredric Jameson: The Cultures of Globalization

Jessica Abel: La Perdida (3-61)

Patricia Ticineto Clough, ed.: The Affective Turn

Kathy Acker: Great Expectations

Julia Kristeva: Powers of Horror

Junot Díaz: This is how you lose her

Michèlle Barrett: The Politics of Truth

Cornel West: Race Matters

Alice Walker: You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down (selection)

Paul Auster: Travels in the Scriptorium

David Harvey: Rebel Cities

Charles Bukowski: Tales of Ordinary Madness (selection)

Mike Davis: City of Quartz

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