Bibliografía básica Bobo, Jacqueline (2001). Black Feminist Cultural Criticism. Blackwell
Braxton, Joanne (1989). Black Women in the Whirlwind. Rutgers
Christian, Barbara (1980). Black Women Novelists: The Development of a Tradition. Praeger
Christian, Barbara (2007). New Black Feminist Criticism. University of Illinois
Hill Collins, Patricia (1991). Black Feminist Thought. Rutgers
Hill Collins, Patricia (2005). Black Sexual Politics:African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism. Routledge
Hill Collins, Patricia (2012). On Intellectual Activism. Temple University P
hooks, bell (1999). Ain't I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism. South End P.
hooks, bell (1999). Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. London: Pluto
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (2003). Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory. Duke University
Lorde, Audre (2007). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Crossing Press
Smith, Barbara (1983). Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology. Kitchen Table
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (2014). We Should All Be Feminists. HarperCollins
Wawrzinek, Jennifer (2011). Negotiating Afropolitanism. New York: Rodopi

 This is a basic bibliography as far as theory and criticism is concerned.
These are relevant texts by canonized critics and scholars in the specific field of Black Feminist Thought or Cultural Studies or Literatures of the African Diaspora.
In the long run, these readings are a must for any student interested in and eager to be familiarized with the topic of Black Feminist Thought.
There is a diversity of voices, but they are many more who could be included in this list. It is up to the students to go ahead and get involved in a more indepth research.
 For practical reasons and due to the (short) length of this course, your lecturer will provide students with a Course Pack that include a selection of readings from most of the critical texts mentioned above. This Course Pack will be available both in Reprografía and, whenever possible in your Moodle set (PDF format).

It is from these selection of critical and theoretical articles that students will prepare for their class presentation.
Students are also encouraged to use some of these sources, among others, when preparing to write their Comparative Essay.

Bibliografía complementaria Phillis Wheatley (1773). "On Being Brought from Africa to America".
Sojourner Truth (1845). "Ain't I a Woman?".
Maria Stewart (1832). "Why Sit Ye Here and Die?".
Alice Walker (1976). "Advancing Luna and Ida B. Wells". New York: Anchor
Toni Cade Bambara (1990). "Witchbird". New York: Anchor
Paule Marshall (1990). "Reena". New York: Anchor
Z.Z. Parker (2003). "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere" . New York: Riverhead
Taiye Selasi (2011). "The Sex Lives of African Girls". GRANTA 2011
(). .

This is a list of Required Readings (tentative).
For practical reasons, we just concentrate on short pieces: Speeches, poems, essays or short stories.
These fiction and non-fiction readings are discussed in class in view of Black Feminists scholars and theories (as well as Western key names, such as Woolf, Olsen, Eagleton, to name just a few).
Students should read critically, analize these texts and come up with their own suggestions and conclusions (if any).
Students should do the readings BEFORE they come to class and come prepared with comments and/or questions.
For their Comparative Essay, students should choose among the writers included in this list.
Since some of the texts are difficult to find, students will find copies in their Moodle set (PDF format).
Once the students have chosen texts, authors and topic for Comparative Essay, I would recommend them to start doing extra research as soon as possible.