Bibliografía básica Allen, A. O. (1990). Probability, statistics and queueing theory with computer science applications. Academic Press
Cao, R. (2002). Introducción a la simulación y a la teoría de colas. Netbiblo
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Gross, D. y Harris, C.M. (1985). Fundamentals of queueing theory. Wiley
Harchor-Balter, M. (2013). Performance modeling and design of computer systems: queueing theory in action. Cambridge University Press
Medhi, J. (1991). Stochastic models in queueing theory. Academic Press
Narayan Bhat, U. (2008). An introduction to Queueing Theory. Birkhauser
Saaty, T.L. (1983). Elements of queueing theory with applications. Dover
Trivedi, K.S. (1982). Probability and statistics with reliability, queueing theory and computer science applications. Prentice Hall

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