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Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Master's Thesis Code 614473111
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Computación de Altas Prestacións / High Performance Computing (Mod. Presencial 2018)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 15
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría de Computadores
Andrade Canosa, Diego
Andrade Canosa, Diego
General description The objective of the TFM is the analysis, design, implementation and validation of a project, carried out individually, related to High Performance Computing and in which some of the competences acquired are emphasized. It can be developed in a company or entity with proven experience in R&D projects, being co-supervised by a professional in the field. In any case, the project must integrate innovation components that go beyond the mere parallelization of an application. The TFM must promote the contribution of added value by the student in innovative projects, and its direct relationship with the labor market or with some aspect of research. The objective of the Final Master's Project (TFM) is to introduce the student to a research or development topic with concrete and achievable objectives in a short space of time.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.