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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Statistical Quality Control Code 614493114
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Técnicas Estadísticas (Plan 2019)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 5
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Matemáticas
Tarrio Saavedra, Javier
Naya Fernandez, Salvador
Tarrio Saavedra, Javier
General description The statistical quality control is the branch of statistics connected with the industry and companies that includes all the technics and statistical methodologies developed for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of the processes that involve products and services. Between the most used technics, there are the control charts, the analysis of the capability of of processes, all those tools related with the design of experiments and the models of reliability.
Contingency plan 1. Changes in content The contents will not be modified. 2. Methodologies Teaching methodologies that are maintained The teaching methodologies set out in this guide will be used regardless of the degree of attendance under which the subject is taught, understanding face-to-face classes those carried out from the videoconference classroom, while the non-face-to-face evening classes those carried out through programs such as Microsoft Teams . Teaching methodologies that are modified No teaching methodology is modified. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students Tools: Microsoft Teams and email. Temporalization: Microsoft Teams will be used during class hours, in addition to tutoring hours. E-mail will serve as a means to resolve doubts and to exchange files and information in general. 4. Modifications in the evaluation Likewise, the CEC assessment procedure will not need any type of modification, since the alternative of having it done entirely from the delivery of work by the students is already provided. Assessment remarks: The delivery of two practical works related to the application of tools with Statistical Quality Control to real or simulated data using the R statistical software will be requested (the evaluation of these works will correspond to 60% of the global mark), following the methodologies taught in practical classes through ICT. The other 40% of the overall grade will correspond to the final exam of the subject (it would be carried out by telematic means in synchronous mode), a test of between 15 and 20 questions. As an alternative to the exam, the student may be evaluated from the other 40% of the overall grade by submitting a final paper that may be (1) review and extension of the various subjects taught in the subject, or (2) programming in R of some Statistical Quality Control methodology, or (3) of the practical application of the knowledge imparted to a real or simulated case study, or even (4) a bibliographic analysis work (reference articles related to the subject) or software linked to this field of statistics. Second chance: The same evaluation procedure will be applied as in the first opportunity. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgraphy
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.