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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Fundamentals of Electricity Code 770G01013
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Electrónica Industrial e Automática
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Web http://
General description The fundamental aim of this asignatura is the training of the student so that it purchase the knowledge and can use the principles of the theory of circuits and the conocimento of basic concepts of the machines electricas. By his compulsory character, this matter is fundamental in the training of the Engineer. It is related with all those of the Degree Electrical Engineering that work with electrical and electronic circuits, in particular with the asignatura Foundations of Electronics that gives in the following cuatrimestre and giving continuity for Circuits electricos of power, Electrical Installations, electrical Machines I and II of the third course, the optativa Technical of Acquisition of Electrical Measures and the ones of fourth course: Installations of Renewable Energies, Accionamiento of Electrical Machines and Transport of Electrical Energy. In the Degree of Industrial Electronic Engineering and automatic relates with the matter Foundations of Electronics of the following cuatrimestre, giving also continuity to electrical Systems of third course.
Contingency plan The asignatura configures in this educational guide like HYBRID, where only will give the classes expositivas, of session magistral, in model no face-to-face synchronous in Teams of form regulate the next course 2020/2021 (the interactive and of practices will be face-to-face); as in principle it foresees a number of students enrolled in her similar to the past course. Nevertheless, once known the number of students really enrolled in the asignatura to principle of course, if this number allows it will give the classes expositivas in FACE-TO-FACE model, model already planned, if they do not require apply contingencies, for the interactive of problems and of practices. CONTINGENCY PLAN: 1. Modifications to the contents - There will not be changes 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained - Session magistral - Readings (computes in the evaluation of the portafolios) - objective Proof (computes in the evaluation 60%, structured in two proofs: 20% in partial examination and 40% in official announcement) - Portafolios of the student (computes in the evaluation 20%) - Solution of problems (with personalised Attention) - Practical of laboratory (computes in the evaluation 20%) (with personalised Attention) his memory will value until the session of the practice that have done presencialmente, as they are 6 sessions of practices 20% delivers by the same between six, marking each one 3,33%. The remaining sessions of practices that require teaching no face-to-face (being able to require it all 20%) will evaluate by means of Works Tutelados of Practices. *Teaching methodologies that are modified - Practical of laboratory (computes in the evaluation 20%) (with personalised Attention). Of the six sessions, each one of value of 3,33%, the realised presencialmente will value by means of his memory delivered weekly. The remaining sessions of practices that require teaching no face-to-face (being able to require it all 20%) will evaluate by means of the incorporation of Works Tutelados of Practices. - Works Tutelados of Practices (compute in the evaluation until 20%, each corresponding activity to a session of Work tutelado of practices marks 3,33%) (with personalised Attention). The professor will propose in Moodle, a week if, another no, an asynchronous activity and individualizada to each member of small group, with circuits to simulate in Capture-CIS of Orcad-PsPice (program in version of students of free access in the network, the student will have of tutoriales in Moodle from beginning of course). The asynchronous activity of Moodle will open with some anteriority to the corresponding weekly session in Teams (this last for the follow-up and support in the realisation of the activity of "Trabajo Tutelado of Practices", will realise in the schedule that the EUP establish for the sessions of practices of the asignatura for the small groups), and the activity Moodle will close in the week in that it opens. In the following week will evaluate the activity delivered in Moodle. In the synchronous sessions of Teams: they will expose examples of simulation, possible problems that can present and will attend , on request of the student, concrete problems that have in the simulation of his practical activity assigned in Moodle. This dynamics will allow to do a follow-up adjusted to the needs of learning of the alumnado to develop the practices of simulation of circuits. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students - Email: twice to the week in the schedule of tutorías established at the beginning of the cuatrimestre by the professor, so that the student that require it realise queries of tutorías or, if his doubt the precise, agree virtual meeting in Teams. The professor also can require to a concrete student that attend to session of tutoría. - Forums of Moodle Thematic: daily attention from the opening of the forum until the closing of the participation in them, to expose and/or argue of form directed the difficulties and own subjects of the subject, will open to discussion once the subject was treated in session magistral or proposed his reading, available the participation for all the students of the big group according to the needs of the alumnado to the end of the following subject. - Sessions in Teams, of Session Magistral, of Problems; each one of them once a week in the time band established in the calendar of the EUP for the asignatura. The one of Session Magistral in big group is for the advance of the theoretical contents of the matter, the one of Problems in average group for the advance in problems to include in the portafolios. Besides, sessions in Teams a week if and another no, for the advance in the know do of activities of Works Tutelados of Practise of Simulation, accompanied in his week, of asynchronous activity in Moodle for the delivery of work of simulation. 4. Modifications in the evaluation - Works Tutelados of Practices (compute in the evaluation until 20%, each corresponding activity to a session of Work tutelado of practices marks 3,33%). In each work will value : - Adecuación To the proposal of work. - Presentation and clarity of the results. - Designation of “methods of help in the simulation” for the correct resolution. - Time of delivery vs time limit of delivery. *Evaluation observations: - The control of assistance only will realise with regard to the sessions in which there is presencialidad and until the moment in that it suspend the face-to-face activity. - The objective proofs, already was partial or the official, will realise in synchronous session of Teams according to the calendar of examinations that establish the centre, at the same time that it will open the proof in Moodle to which will increase him the time to the double of the indicated in the guide, to take into account the move in her in digital format and have to go up to Moodle the scan or photo of the justifications to fist and letter. 1. SITUATIONS: To) Alumnado with complete dedication: - minimum Assistance of 80% in classes of big and average groups and minimum participation of 80% of his activities. - Assistance of 100% in classes of small groups and realisation of 100% of his activities. B) Alumnado With dedication part time and dispenses academician of exemption of assistance: - minimum Assistance of 80% in classes of big and average groups and minimum participation of 80% of his activities. - Assistance of 100% in classes of small groups and realisation of 100% of his activities. 2. REQUIREMENTS TO SURPASS THE MATTER: - Assist and participate regularly (% indicated on the dot 1). - Deliver the works tutelados before the limit of time established. - Obtain a punctuation of 30% of the weight of the objective proof in official announcement. - Obtain a punctuation of 50% of the weight in each one of the practical sessions. - The criteria of evaluation in first and second opportunity are the same. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy I do not realise changes, but facilitates the following listing for access to the version in electronic book: Boylestad, Robert L. Electrónica : Teoría de circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos. Prentice Hall, 2009. Acceso:*gag Hayt, William H. Análisis de circuitos en ingeniería. 8ª ed. México : McGraw-Hill, [2012] Acceso 7ºed.(2007):*gag Queijo García, Gumersindo. Fundamentos de tecnología eléctrica. Madrid : UNED, 2018. Acceso:*gag Oriol Boix. Tecnología eléctrica. Barcelona: Cano Pina, 2014 Acceso:*gag
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.