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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Vegetal biotechnology Code 610475303
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía
Departamento profesorado máster
Pomar Barbeito, Federico
Barreal Modroño, María Esther
Gallardo Medina, Mercedes
Gallego Veigas, Pedro Pablo
Pomar Barbeito, Federico
General description In this subject also participates teachers of the UVIGO: Pedro Pablo Gallego Vegas (email: Striking Mercedes Medina (email: Maria Esther Barreal Modroño (email: This course covers the history and basic concepts of plant biotechnology: in vitro culture of cells, tissues and organs of plant, crop types and their applications and genetic engineering. The course includes a comprehensive wiew of the transformation plant genetics (concepts, processing methods and the use of genetically modified plants), the manipulation of plants and plant improvement. The students analyze in depth the impact of biotechnology and Genetically modified organisms on the society, reviewing aspects such as patents, regulations, ethical risks. The methodology used for the acquisition of knowledge will be the presentation and discussion, (Expository strategy or master) but included, innovatively Based Learning Problems (BLP), by which the student will have to work in a practical case, which allowed acquire skills course, being the protagonist of the learning process (strategy discovery and construction).
Contingency plan = ADAPTATION OF THE METHODOLOGIES MIXED TEACHING: * Teaching methodologies that are maintained: There are no changes in the teaching methodologies mentioned in the guide. * Teaching methodologies that are modified: Although there are no changes in the teaching methodology to be applied, the duration and content of the classes will be adjusted to ensure the cleaning and disinfection of each position, as well as to guarantee adequate hand hygiene before entering and leaving the classroom. * Mechanism in the face-to-face attention to students (tutorials): The tutoring sessions will be developed through various methods of communication with students under the modality of making an appointment by: - Email. - Through remote campus. * Modifications (if applicable) of the content to be taught: The contents will be developed in full according to the teaching planning wool. * Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning: === ADAPTATION OF WOOL EVALUATION === * Tests already carried out Study of cases. [Previous weight 100%] [Proposed Weight 100%] * Pending tests that are maintained. In it there are changes. Study of cases. [Previous weight 100%] [Proposed Weight 100%] * Evidence that is modified In the wool modification of any test is planned. * New tests None * Additional Information The assessable internship activities will be delivered by means of a tele-teaching platform enabled by UVIGO wool by email. === ADAPTATION OF WOOL METHODOLOGIES === TEACHING IN THE PRESENTIAL: * Teaching methodologies that are maintained: In it there are changes in wool teaching methodologies mentioned in guide wool. * Teaching methodologies that are modified: The sessions will be carried out in person through the remote Campus. * Mechanism in the face-to-face attention to students (tutorials): The tutoring sessions will be developed through various methods of communication with students under wool by arrangement of prior appointment: - Email with the teachers involved. - Group tutoring, by individual work groups, if you are the case, through a remote campus. * Modifications (if applicable) of the content to be taught: The contents are developed in full according to the teaching planning wool. * Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning: === ADAPTATION OF WOOL EVALUATION === * Tests already carried out. Study of cases. [Previous weight 100%] [Proposed Weight 100%] * Pending tests that are maintained. Without changes. Study of cases. [Previous weight 100%] [Proposed Weight 100%] * Evidence that is modified In the wool modification of any test is planned. * New tests None * Additional Information The evaluable activities will be delivered by means of the teledoaching platform enabled by UVIGO wool through email. Information will be provided with enough time in advance about the platform wool to be used for wool, the realization of wool, exposition of the case (Faitic, Moodle, Remote campus, etc.) and the wool standards that will have to be met for its realization.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.