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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Mathematics 2 Code 610G01002
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Matemáticas
Otero Verea, Jose Luis
González Rueda, Ángel Manuel
Jacome Pumar, Maria Amalia
Otero Verea, Jose Luis
Varela Rodríguez, Hiram
General description Esta asignatura pretende o desenrolo de competencias que permitan ao alumnado obterr un conocimento critico do calculo diferencial e integral así como unha pequena introducción ao alxebra lineal e as ecuacions diferenciais.
Contingency plan ADJUSTMENTS IN CASE OF ONLINE TEACHING MODALITY 1. Modifications to the contents. No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are maintained Tutored works Personalized attention * Change of teaching methodologies Master session: face-to-face assistance is replaced by material (PDF, explanatory videos) available at and team video conferencing Problem solving: calculate in assessment. Attendance is replaced by material (PDF, explanatory videos) available at and group videoconference on computers Multiple choice test: calculate in the assessment. The following changes will be made: (a) The test related to the practical part of Statistics is replaced by practical work to be carried out in groups of two students. (b) The tests related to the practical part of Mathematics will be carried out through online tests at (c) The tests related to the theoretical part of the subject will be done through online tests at 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students. Email: every day, to make inquiries, request virtual meetings to answer questions and follow up on supervised work. Moodle: Daily, according to the needs of the students. They have thematic forums associated with the modules of the subject, to formulate the necessary queries. Teams: a weekly session in large groups to advance the theoretical content and supervised assignments at the time assigned to the subject on the faculty classroom calendar. There may also be weekly sessions or as requested by students in small groups, for monitoring and support in doing supervised work. This dynamic allows a standardized and adjusted monitoring of the student's learning needs to develop the work of the subject. 4. Modifications in the evaluation. Math Part (75%): No change in grade weights: 16% Theory multiple choice test in theory part, 54% Practice multiple choice test (or supervised work in case of non-attendance) . Part of the statistics (25%). There are no changes in the weights of the grades: 16% Multiple choice test of the theory part, 9% Multiple choice test of the practice (or supervised work in case of non-attendance). * Evaluation comments: They remain the same as in the teaching guide. REQUIREMENTS TO EXCEED THE THEME: 1. Regularly attend and participate in class activities. 2. Submit supervised work by the date indicated. 3. Obtain a minimum grade of 50% in the objective test and a minimum final grade of 50% plus the marks of all the activities. 4. The July opportunity will be subject to the same criteria as the June opportunity. 5. "Part of the statistics (25%). There are no changes in the weights of the grades: 16% Multiple-choice test for the theory part, 9% Practical test if it can be done in person, or supervised work in opposite case. " 6. "Part of Mathematics (75%). There are no changes in the weights of the grades: 54% Multiple-choice test of the theory part, 16% Practical test in case it can be done in person, or supervised work otherwise ". 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webography. No changes will be made. They already have all the work materials digitized in Moodle. (II) MODIFICATION IN CASE THE CAPACITY OF THE CLASSROOM ASIGNED FOR THE SUBJECT IS EXCEEDED In case problems in the capacity of the spaces designated for the face-to-face activities, additional spaces will be booked where the students can follow the activities using the TEAMS platform. In the case of practical activities, the groups will be split to match the capacity of the laboratory
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.