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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) North American Literature through its Texts Code 613G03047
Study programme
Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Simal Gonzalez, Begoña
Simal Gonzalez, Begoña
General description This course is designed to provide students with an overview of multi-ethnic literature in US, focusing on the second half of the 20th century and on the 21st century. This subject aims to complement the two mandatory courses on American (US) literature, by selecting a limited number of case studies (e.g. Asian American literary texts).
Contingency plan CONTINGENCY PLAN IN ENGLISH. 1. CONTENTS Modifications to the contents: simplification of required readings (primary sources). Some mandatory texts may become optional readings, due to exceptional circumstances. 2. METHODOLOGIES Teaching methodologies that are kept • Autonomous reading of primary and secondary sources (“workbook”) • “Supervised project”t (involving Moodle discussion forums). The oral presentation of the group project may be eliminated or replaced by recorded presentations, if circumstances so require (see below). Teaching methodologies that are modified • In an on-line teaching scenario, the methodology “document analysis” (close reading and critical analysis of texts) will be carried out via Moodle assignments and/or discussion forums. • These lectures will be replaced by (or complemented with) PDF documents and audiovisual resources; • The oral presentation of the results from the supervised project (see above) may be eliminated or replaced by recorded presentations. • Mixed objective/subjective test: carried out via Moodle (see Assessment section below). 3. TUTORIALS AND PERSONALIZED ATTENTION • MOODLE TUTORIAL FORUMS, initiated by students and checked on a weekly basis. • E-MAIL (especially for individual queries and doubts), on a weekly basis. 4. ASSESSMENT While the distribution of percentages will not change, the different assessment methods will have to be adapted to the new circumstances, as follows: • METHODOLOGY “document analysis” (30%): to be carried out via Moodle assignments and/or discussion forums. • METHODOLOGY supervised project (30%): the nature of this collaborative project (involving Moodle discussion forums) will not change, but the oral presentation may be eliminated or replaced by recorded presentations. • METHODOLOGY “mixed test” (40%): in an on-line teaching scenario, this subjective/objective test will be carried via Moodle on the official date of the exam; should there be (serious, certifiable) connectivity problems, the exam will be carried out orally (phone call). ASSESSMENT COMMENTS: SECOND OPPORTUNITY (JULY): Those students who have not reached 4 out of 10 points in each of the three assessment sections, even if the overall addition is 5 or higher, will have to go to the finals in July in order to pass the subject. In this opportunity, students will have to prove they have acquired the required skills by doing certain exercises and tests, adapted to an on-line scenario: • a written exam (40% of the final mark), a subjective/objective test, similar to that of the first opportunity, which will be carried via Moodle on the official date of the exam; should there be (serious, certifiable) connectivity problems, the exam will be done orally (phone call); • 2) extra exercises of analysis and close reading (30%); also via Moodle on the official date of the exam; should there be (serious, certifiable) connectivity problems, the exam will be carried out orally (phone call); • 3) an oral test (30%), using Teams or, in case of connectivity or technical problems, the phone. 5. Changes in bibliography/webgraphy More on-line resources: short primary sources will be available in Moodle; as to secondary sources, there will be extra on-line resources (e.g. PDF excerpts, the teacher’s own materials, links to on-line library resources…). ?
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.