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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Drawing in Architecture Code 630G02002
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica
Fraga Lopez, Francisco Javier
Caridad Yañez, Eduardo
Fernandez-Gago Longueira, Paula
Fraga Lopez, Fernando
Fraga Lopez, Francisco Javier
Mantiñan Campos, Carlos
Web http://
General description The aim of this course is that the student begins to acquire the necessary and sufficient graphic skills to face the design and project challenges that will arise from the first year in the degree. The correct evolution in the performance of this graphic ability is considered very important for the future development of your professional activity. These capacities / abilities refer, as established in the current Study Plan, to Freehand Drawing and the introduction to Architectural Drawing.
Contingency plan By virtue of the adaptation measures provided for in the Instructions document of July 1, 2021 of the General Secretariat of Universities, two possible application scenarios of this teaching guide are foreseen: ADAPTED NORMALITY SCENARIO: Situation according to the degree of presence estimated as normal in the time before the pandemic. UNIQUE ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO: The one foreseen for temporary situations limited by local restrictions caused by outbreaks of epidemic diseases or closures in the locality where the educational center is located. It is dismissed to contemplate a confinement scenario in the program of the subject. Likewise, according to the recommendations of the aforementioned document, it is anticipated: Progressive adaptation to new circumstances, especially in the first semester. The recommended capacity is set at 50% in spaces with fixed seats, always leaving an empty space in between. In the case of non-fixed furniture, a minimum distance of 1.2 metre between the different positions will be respected. In very large groups, a maximum number of attendees per classroom will be established, depending on the spatial characteristics, ventilation and technical possibilities. Mirror classrooms or simultaneous telematic teaching will be used, avoiding very high concentrations of students. With all this and in case of entering the unique alternative scenario, the following adaptations of this teaching guide will be made: 1. CHANGES TO THE CONTENTS No changes will be made to the contents 2. METHODOLOGIES While the adapted normality scenario lasts, the methodologies provided for class practices and exams are adjusted to face-to-face and telematic teaching: The lectures will be held in class, if necessary with mirror classrooms through TEAMS and with the support of the Virtual Campus / The assignments and classroom drawings will be carried out in class or through TEAMS and the Virtual Campus; Non-face-to-face assignments and drawings will be done through TEAMS and the Virtual Campus / Objective tests will be done in class or through TEAMS and / or the Virtual Campus. 3. MECHANISMS OF PERSONALIZED ATTENTION TO STUDENTS a) Email. It will be used to request tutorials or virtual meetings to monitor the work and exercises proposed. b) Virtual Campus. It will be used according to the student's need to have the materials provided, for the delivery of work or for the use of thematic forums. c) Teams. It will be used in a way that allows a standardized and adjusted monitoring of the learning needs of students to develop the work of the subject. This dynamic will be adjusted to the temporal development of the subject in face-to-face mode with the weekly sessions necessary to be able to develop all the theoretical and practical classes, as well as to carry out tutorials. 4. CHANGES IN THE EVALUATION What is indicated in the teaching guide is maintained. Evaluation observations: a) All those indicated in the teaching guide are expressly maintained b) If there are special cases, such as those students who for any reason do not have access to computer resources to attend classes on-line and deliver the work, will be studied individually. 5. MODIFICATIONS TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OR WEBGRAPHY No changes will be made as the students will already have all the essential work materials for the subject digitized at the Virtual Campus.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.