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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Urbanism 1 Code 630G02018
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Lopez Gonzalez, Candido
Diaz Revilla, Alfonso
García Fontán, Cristina
Lopez Gonzalez, Candido
Vazquez Mosquera, Jose Manuel
General description The subject develops a corpus of both knowledge of the theory and history of urban form and tools for a methodological analysis. This allows students to perceive the Architectural Project and the Urban Project as part from a broader context, and to develop a critical positioning towards the contemporary city. The theory faces the specificity of the European city in order to understand its existence as a system of concepts, signs, and forms.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications in the contents _No changes will be made 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are maintained _Master session _Student portfolios _Mixed test * Teaching methodologies that change _Workshop: The exercises to be developed in this methodology are incorporated in the methodology "Tutored works" 3. Mechanisms of personalized attention to students _Email: Daily. Use to make inquiries, resolve questions, request virtual meetings, and do the monitoring of supervised work. _Campus Virtual: Weekly and according to the need of the student. They have thematic forums associated with modules of the subject, through which the development of imparted theoretical contents is put into practice. _Teams: 1 weekly session in large group for the advance of the theoretical contents and the works tutored in the time slot that has assigned the subject in the classroom calendar of the faculty. From 1 to 2 weekly sessions (or more as requested by students) in small groups (up to 6 people), for the follow-up and support in the realization of the Tutored practices. This dynamicallows you to keep track of the learning needs of the standardized and adjusted students to develop the work of the subject. 4. Modifications in the evaluation Tutored works (40%). In relation to the supervised work, the following will be valued: - The methodological adequacy of the work proposals. - The depth of the content. - The mastery of the applications used in the elaboration of the socio-educational proposals. - The treatment of a language specific to the disciplinary context. - The use of complementary and current documentary sources. - The presentation and clarity of the presentation. * Evaluation observations: They remain the same as in the teaching guide, except that the references to the calculation of attendance, which only will perform with respect to the sessions that were present in person until the moment in which the face-to-face activity was suspended. Right there, the July opportunity will be subject to the same criteria as the June one. And requirement to pass the subject both to attend and to participate regularly in the activities of the class like to deliver and to expose the supervised works on the date and in the means indicated. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webography _Do not change. The basic bibliography is scanned available to students in Campus Virtual.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.