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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Architectural Design 7 Code 630G02031
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Barge Ferreiros, Santiago
Barge Ferreiros, Santiago
Fernández-Albalat Ruiz, Andrés
Martinez Raído, Jose Luis
Vidal Pérez, Francisco José
General description The basic intentions that support the development of the subject are to delve into the medium-high level architecture project, using the experiences and knowledge acquired also in other disciplines. It is also about promoting the understanding that the project is part of a complex process that the student has to analyze and develop, synthesizing previous stages of learning together with a personal process of continuous research. The course studies the problems posed by intervention in the city, both in its consolidated and peripheral areas, with coherent and free projects, penetrating the authentic lesson that knowledge of the past and the needs of the present-future provides us, to revitalize the urban structure, understanding urban built space as the place where social relationships, coexistence and human habitation develop. The course has a unitary entity that focuses on the study of the place, with the basic objective of elaborating and developing the theme of collective housing, the raison d'être of the construction of the city. For this, the analysis and resolution of significant urban spaces are contemplated, the collective housing itself, in all its variants, and the public building or equipment as a complement to both specifically and to the city in general.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies Teaching methodologies that are maintained. - Master session - Guided discussion (computed in the evaluation) - Tutored work (with personalized attention) (computed in the evaluation) - Personalized attention Teaching methodologies that are modified. - Mixed test (it will not be carried out, since the evaluations of this knowledge are incorporated into the methodology of "Tutored Jobs". 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students - Email: Daily. To be used to make inquiries, request virtual meetings to resolve doubts and follow up on supervised work - Moodle: Daily. According to the needs of the students. They have "thematic forums associated with the modules" of the subject, to formulate the necessary queries. There are also specific activity forums "To develop the" Guided Discussions ", through which the development of the theoretical content of the subject is put into practice. - Teams: 1 weekly session in large group for the advancement of the theoretical content and the supervised work in the time slot assigned to the subject in the faculty classroom calendar From 1 to 2 weekly sessions (or more as required by the students ) in small groups (up to 6 people), for monitoring and support in carrying out the “supervised work”. This dynamic allows a standardized follow-up adjusted to the learning needs of lighting to develop the work of the subject. 4. Modifications in the Tutored Jobs evaluation (100%): In relation to tutored jobs, the following will be assessed: - The methodological adequacy of the job proposals. - The depth of the content. - The domain of the applications used in the elaboration of the socio-educational proposals. - The treatment of a language of the disciplinary context. - The use of complementary and current documentary sources. - The presentation and clarity of the exposition. Evaluation observations: The same ones that appear in the teaching guide are maintained, except that: - References to the calculation of attendance, which will only be made regarding the sessions that were face-to-face until the moment in which the face-to-face activity was suspended . 1. SITUATIONS: A) Full-time students: Attendance / participation in class activities at least 80%: a) Preparation and presentation of small group work (100%). B) Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption, as established by the "NORMA THAT REGULATES THE REGIME OF DEDICATION TO THE STUDY OF DEGREE STUDENTS AT UDC (Arts. 2.3; 3. b and 4.5) ( 5/29/212): Minimum 80% attendance / participation in class activities: a) Preparation and presentation of small group assignments (100%) 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR OVERCOMING THE SUBJECT: 1. Attend and participate regularly in the class activities 2. Obtain a score of 50% of the weight of each of the parts being evaluated (supervised works) 3. Deliver and present the supervised works on the date indicated 4. The opportunity July will be subject to the same criteria as June 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy No changes will be made They already have all the work materials digitized in Moodle.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.