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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Community Employment Law and European Union Institutions Code 660G01035
Study programme
Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Olmos Parés, Isabel
Olmos Parés, Isabel
General description The subject "Community Law and comparative Labour and Social Security Law" postulate as a natural continuation of the subjects of Labor Law (I and II), Union Law (I and II), and Social Security Law (I and II). The primary objective of the course will be to manage, and always " free from home," the European and North American major legal websites, the main institutions, rights, freedoms and principles of Labor and Social Security Law of the European Community, both ad extra as ad intra, and the rights of the countries most influential in Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Portugal) and the United States, always taking as a reference point the Spanish Law. In the first part, labeled "Sources" (parts 1 to 5), discuss topics that will be about the location of sources of Community Law and Comparative (European and American) Labour and Social Security. So, after presenting the students their rights as a citizen to know the legal sources, both labor and Social Security through Internet (theme 1), we will show you where to find the codified legislation in Labor and Social Security through Internet, both European and North American (theme 2) and Internet sites relating to Labor and Social Security, Community and European, non codified legistlation (theme 3). Naturally, in the next section (theme 4) we will know the Internet sites relating to European, Community and USA files of Collective Agreements, to conclude this part of the program speaking about the Internet sites relating to Community, European and USA repertories to find Labor and Social Security case law (theme 5). Different content possesses the second part of the program, where we will discuss of the "Institutions", from the public services of employment (theme 6), to the Labor and Social Security Inspection (theme 7), provided in Europe and in the United States. Link up these issues with relating to Labor Litigation (theme 8), the management of Social Security (theme 9) and Social Security Litigation (theme 10). As expected, these issues will be focused also from the European and North American perspective. As for the third part of the program, indicating that guide its contents to the topic of "Rights, freedoms and principles", which serves union freedom in EU regulations, in European laws and practices and national legislation in the United States (theme 11), the right or participation of the employees in the enterprise in Community regulations as well as in the European and American legislations (theme 12), the right to collective bargaining in the EU regulations and in the European and North American legislation (theme 13) or the right to strike, both in the field as the European Community and USA (theme 14). This part of the program, the most extensive, continues even allowing us to talk about the principle of employment stability (theme 15), the right of the employee to protection before the labor risks (theme 16 and the principle of respecting labour minimum standards (theme 17) provided in Community regulations as well as Laws and Practices in Europe. We conclude this third part of the subject's study right to protection of the employee before critical situation of the enterprisse (theme 18), the right to protection of the employee before wrongful dismissal (theme 19), in itinere accidents at work (theme 20), the principle of automatic payment of the Social Security benefits (theme 21) and, finally, the principle of respect to vested rights to on complementary Social Security (theme 22), all with respect to Regulations and Community Legislation and Practices in Europe and North America.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained *Teaching methodologies that are modified 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students 4. Modifications in the evaluation *Evaluation observations: 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.