Bibliografía básica 1. Sharpley, Richard & David J.(eds) (2002). Tourism and development: concepts and issues. . Telfer. Clevendon: Channel View Publications.
2. Collin, P.H. (1996). Dictionary of hotels, tourism and catering management. . Middlesex: Peter Colling Publishing
3. Fussell, Paul (ed.) (1987). The Norton book of travel. New York. Norton
4. Maczak, Antoni (1995). Travel in early modern Europe. Cambdridge. Polity Press
(). English for tour guides.
(). Your English Tourism Vocabulary List for connecting with absolutely any traveler.
(). English vocabulary for tour guides.
(). Travel English/English for tourists: .
(). .
P. Strutt (2013). English for International Tourism. Upper Intermediate (Coursebook) . Harlow. Pearson
P. Strutt (2013). English for International Tourism. Upper Intermediate (Workbook). Harlow. Pearson
P. Strutt (2013). English for International Tourism. Intermediate (Coursebook) . Harlow. Pearson
R. Varela (2002). English in the Tourist Industry . Madrid. Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces

Bibliografía complementaria J. Sinclair et al. (2004). English Usage for Learners. Glasgow. Harper Collins
R. Murphy (2004). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge
A. Pohl (2002). Test your Professional English. Hotel and Catering . London. Penguin English Publications
M. Vaughan-Rees (2002). Test Your Pronunciation . London. Penguin English Publications
M. McCarthy (2009). Grammar for Business. Cambridge University Press