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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Descriptive Geometry [In extinction] Code 670G01004
Study programme
Grao en Arquitectura Técnica
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica
Fernández Álvarez, Ángel José
Fernández Álvarez, Ángel José
General description Descriptive Geometry aims geometric rationalization of space issues. In the academic field, this is the unit that serves as a base for other specialized graphics disciplines such as Architectural Graphic Expression, Topography and Technical Projects and the use of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics. In the professional field, being able to read and understand construction plans is a basic skill in order to execute the work properly. This implies a knowledge of of representation methodology, whose base is the Descriptive Geometry. In the field of writing technical projects, Descriptive Geometry provides the academic training of the necessary spatial vision for the creation of the three dimensional final solution. Through plans and sketches, this course provides the theoretical foundation basics of the different representation systems. This, as well as providing students with the capability to develop their creativity and imagination, are the reasons why this course is an essential pillar in the Degree in Engineering Building. Furthermore, the contribution to professional practice is clear, in terms of representation, resolution and restitution of any space or 3D-element in the field of construction.
Contingency plan NON-ATTENDANCE TEACHING METHOD ACTIONS COVID-19 During the 2020/21 academic year, teaching activities will be adapted to the context defined at all times by the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19. 1. Modifications to the contents. No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are maintained. Although it is a matter "in extinction" all the methodologies will be adapted to the NON-ATTENDANCE modality. * Teaching methodologies that are modified. The methodologies corresponding to PERSONALIZED ATTENTION (tutoring) and the EVALUATION procedures are modified to adapt them to NON ATTENDANCE mode. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students. The personalized tutorial attention on informative or specific questions will preferably be carried out through the UDC institutional email, although the institutional telematic tools available for teamwork, such as Microsoft Teams, may also be used. All the information on the subject in this non-classroom teaching period (activities, deliveries, evaluation, tutorial attention, ...) will be done through the subject's Moodle platform (Virtual Campus), so frequent consultation is recommended. by the students. Tools: Moodle platform, UDC Email, Microsoft Teams. Temporalization: The tutoring schedule of the face-to-face teaching period would be maintained with the flexibility marked by the exceptional nature of the situation caused by the health crisis of COVID-19. Personalized attention will be carried out using the telematic tool that is considered most appropriate depending on the case. 4. Modifications under evaluation Methodology: Graphic practices. Rating weight: 40%. Solving problems related to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject. They will be developed as autonomous work by the student. Methodology: Objective control test. Rating weight: 60%. Objective graphical test for learning assessment. It will consist of solving problems related to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject. * Observations of assessment: EVALUATION PROCEDURE NON-ATTENDANCE MODE COVID-19 The evaluation procedure will be diversified into two methodologies and will consist of a combination of two types of tasks: Autonomous Personal Work (graphic practices carried out asynchronously) and an Objective Control Test (synchronously) that will be delivered electronically to through the Moodle platform of the subject (Virtual Campus). The evaluation activities (graphic practices and objective tests) will adapt in their structure and format to the non-face-to-face modality and to the delivery by telematic form. For this reason, and in order to preserve the quality and reliability of the assessment process, they may undergo minor adjustments or modifications in relation to the type of those carried out during the course in person. VERY IMPORTANT All the tasks corresponding to the Final Evaluation, both the deliveries of autonomous personal work and the objective test of control, will be MANDATORY and must be delivered in a timely manner. Failure to carry out or turn in any of the proposed tasks will mean NOT PRESENTED. The originals of the exercises delivered must be kept by the student in order for the teachers to be able to carry out the appropriate checks. To pass the course, the student must achieve a MINIMUM NOTE OF 5 POINTS out of the 10 possible in the total sum of the marks obtained in the different assessment tasks but with the obligatory requirement of obtaining in the objective control test (synchronous) a NOTE MINIMUM of 1.8 POINTS on the 6 possible. ASSESSMENT TASKS A.- Personal work deliveries. Rating weight: 40% (4 points) The corresponding asynchronous delivery tasks will be generated on the Moodle platform in which the statements of the exercises and the delivery instructions will be indicated. B.- Objective control test. Rating weight: 60% (6 points) (*) It will be carried out synchronously by means of a connection through Teams and with the delivery of tasks on the Moodle platform. The specific instructions for the test will be given at the beginning of the test through the Teams application. The indications of the teaching staff of the subject that will resolve any doubts about the statements and about the objective test through Teams must be followed at all times. In order to make the delivery in Moodle and be evaluated, it is MANDATORY that the student is connected to the Teams session during the entire objective control test. (*) In order to pass the subject (global grade equal to or greater than 5 points) it will be mandatory to obtain a minimum grade of 1.8 points in this test. VERY IMPORTANT: All the information on the evaluation procedures will be communicated through the Moodle platform of the subject (virtual campus), so frequent consultation of the subject is recommended. Any query, clarification or incident related to the evaluation procedure should be brought to the attention of the teachers responsible for the subject as soon as possible. In all the deliveries and tests, the indications of the teachers responsible for the subject must be followed MANDATORYLY. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgraphy. The sources of basic and complementary information reflected in the teaching guide are maintained as students have at their disposal both on the Moodle platform of the subject (virtual campus) and on the web (online resources) all the necessary and sufficient documentation to the adequate study of the contents of the subject.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.