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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Internship Code 710G03037
Study programme
Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Obligatory 18
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Empresa
Rodriguez Luaces, Miguel
Rodriguez Luaces, Miguel
General description The external internships are an activity of a formative and compulsory nature that is carried out through a system of regulated permanence in a company, in a non-governmental entity, in an organism, administrative, economic or professional institution or in a research center (of public or private nature); including the units and centers of the UDC itself. Its objective is to allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training. The internships must favor the acquisition of competences that prepare students for the exercise of professional activities and, likewise, favor their employability, always under the supervision of the University. According to the certificate verification report, the students will carry out, as the end of their training process, an internship period, preferably paid, and for a period of no less than 3 months and no longer than 6. The working day will not exceed 5 daily hours. The external internships will be carried out preferably in companies in the textile-fashion and accessories sector based in Galicia, with which the University of A Coruña will sign agreements for this purpose. However, internships may be carried out in other types of entities, private or public, provided that the tasks to be carried out by the students are directly related to the fashion sector (and specifically, with any of the areas of their training to throughout the degree). Likewise, the practices may also be carried out throughout the national and international territory. The students will have a professional tutor in the company, who: · Design the student's work plan during the internship process, specifying the tasks to be carried out, which must be in line with the training received. · They will be in charge of the reception, supervision of the student throughout the process, and of evaluating the results of the same once it is finished. According to the certificate verification report, the incorporation of the students into the internship process will be subject to passing all the subjects of the degree, except for the final degree project. The internship student is one who, once he/she has passed at least 75% of the ECTS credits of the degree, and meets the following requirements: 1) enrolls in the subject of "External Internships" in the fourth year; and 2) receives confirmation from the coordinator of the internship program of the type of internship requested, from their tutor at said institution (professional tutor), as well as from the tutor who will be in charge of your academic supervision (academic tutor). The practices will take place during the second semester of the fourth year. Its total duration must total 450 hours, which will be computed by 18 ECTS credits. An ECTS credit will be used by the student for: 1) attending a mandatory face-to-face training session with the professional tutor coinciding with their incorporation into the internship program (initial training session); 2) the prior design of her activity in the center; 3) attendance at a mandatory face-to-face tutoring with the academic tutor for the preparation of the Practice Report (final tutoring); and 4) the preparation of said Report. At the beginning of the internship period, the student will agree with the professional tutor the schedule and specific calendar for carrying out the internships, according to the usual hours of the type of internship and the internship center. The typology of external internships is as follows: 1. External curricular internships in companies, public institutions, non-profit entities or units of the UDC (both administration and services units and research units and groups) as provided in /practices/ 2. International internships within the Call for International Student Mobility Exchanges for Internships in Companies: Erasmus + Internship Program (SMT) as provided in 3. Individual participation in a fashion company game (with the support of a business simulator), where students will adopt the role of managers of companies in the textile /fashion sector in a simulated environment through an expert system and, Under the supervision of an academic tutor, they will make decisions about supply strategies, products, design, brand and positioning, price policies, channels, communication, contracts, costs, investments, financing, etc. The results of these decisions will be evaluated by the academic tutor. In this type of internship, there will not be a professional tutor, but rather the academic tutor who will assume this dual role, tutoring the student and monitoring all the decisions that are made in the business simulator , individually. The task of selecting the type of internship and completing the corresponding applications within the established deadlines to be able to develop the external internships during the second semester of the fourth year will be the sole responsibility of the students. In typology 1, students will be able to choose between searching and selecting the company or organization in which they wish to develop their internship period, or requesting one of the internships offered by Emprego of the UDC. In this second case, every year, the Faculty, through the coordinator of the internships, will open a period for the students to request them, for which a list will be available with the typology of practices and the centers in which the practices can be carried out. In typology 2, the task of searching and selecting the company or organization in which they wish to carry out their internship will correspond exclusively to the student. In typology 3, the Faculty will provide the student with a software license for a business simulator in the fashion sector for their individual use during the duration of the internship, in addition to assigning them an academic tutor, responsible for supervising their individual performance during the company game (replacing a professional tutor).
Contingency plan 1. Modifications in the contents. -In this matter, it is not possible to speak strictly of content, but rather of a compulsory training that is acquired through a system of permanence in an internship center, in face-to-face or hybrid modality (face-to-face and online), according to the Policies in force at all times at the UDC and at the center where the internships are carried out. 2. Methodologies. * Teaching methodologies that are maintained. -Portfolio: delivery of an internship report by the student. -Initial activities: attendance at the initial training session -Final activities: Evaluation report of the practices carried out by the professional tutor, attendance at the final tutoring. * Teaching methodologies that are modified / added. -According to the case, and according to the corresponding scenario that is explained in the heading of modifications in the evaluation, it may be necessary to prepare an individual practice. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students. -Tool: Teams for mandatory tutorials; Teams, email and / or phone call for all other inquiries. -Temporalization: the one planned according to the semester and second opportunity. 4. Modifications in the evaluation. In the event of a contingency, there are two scenarios that should be taken into account for the practices of typologies 1 and 2, as they would motivate individual modifications in the evaluation foreseen for a normality-face-to-face situation. These scenarios would be the following: -SCENARIO 1: THE PRACTICES CANNOT START BECAUSE OF A CONTINGENCY. A: In the event that the students can telework, the evaluation mechanisms would be the same as in a normality-face-to-face situation: Practice report (4 points) + attendance at the initial training session (1 point) + Tutor's report / a professional (5 points). B: In the event that students cannot telework, the evaluation mechanisms provided would be the following: individual practice (9 points) + attendance at the initial training session (1 point). - SCENARIO 2: PRACTICES ARE INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF A CONTINGENCY. A: In case the students have completed 50% of the hours of face-to-face practices or through telework, the evaluation mechanisms would be the same as in a normal-face-to-face situation: Practice report (4 points) + attendance at the initial training session (1 point) + Report from the professional tutor (5 points) if possible-. B: In the event that the students have not completed 50% of the hours of face-to-face practices, the evaluation mechanisms would be the following: Practice report (5 points) + attendance at the initial training session (1 point) + Report of the Professional tutor -if possible- (2 points) + individual practice (2 points). * Evaluation observations: The specifications, contents and qualification system of the individual practice would be communicated to the students when the contingency situation arrived. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgraphy. -None.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.