Bibliografía básica ACHEBE, Chinua (1958 [2001]). Things Fall Apart (novel). London: Penguin
ADICHIE, Chimamanda Ngozi (2009). "The Arrangers of Marriage" (short story). London: Fourth State.
BENNET, Louise (2008). "Colonization in Reverse" (poem).
BREEZE, Jean "Binta" (2001). "The Arrival of Brighteye" (poem).
DARKO, Amma (1991). Beyond the Horizon (novel). London: Heinemann
KAY, Jackie (). "Things Fall Apart" (poem).
KINCAID, Jamaica (1988). "Small Place" (essay). New York: Farrar
SENIOR, Olive (). "Colonial Girls School" (poem).
(). .

Bibliografía complementaria Ashcroft, B., G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin (1989/2002). The Empire Writes Back. Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. 2nd ed. . Routledge
Ashcroft, B., G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin (2007/2013). Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts. 2nd/3rd edition.. Routledge
Boehmer, Elleke (1995/2005). Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Oxford UP
Booker, M. K. (1998). The African Novel in English. An Introduction. Heinemann
Childs, Peter, and Patrick Williams (1997). Introduction to Post-Colonial Theory. Prentice
Clarke, Ayebia (2005). Broadening the Horizon: Critical Introductions to Amma Darko. Banbury, UK
Donnell, Alison (2006). Twentieth-Century Caribbean Literature: Critical Moments in Anglophone Literary History. London: Routledge
Gadsby, Meredith (2006). Sucking Salt: Caribbean Women Writers, Migration, and Survival. . Columbia:U of Missouri
Keown, Michelle; David Murphy and James Procter, eds. (2009). Comparing Postcolonial Diaspora. . Macmillan
McLeod, John (2010). Beginning Postcolonialism, 2nd ed.. Manchester UP
Raiford, Leigh and Heike R-Hernandez (2017). Migrating the Black Body. The African Diaspora and Visual Culture. Seattle: U of Washington
Ramone, Jenni (2011). Postcolonial Theories. New York: Palgrave
Steger, Manfred (2013). Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP
Young, Robert J.C. (1995). Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race.
Wawrzinek, Jennifer and J.K.S. Makokha (2011). Negotiating Afropolitanism: Essays on Borders and Spaces in Contemporary African Literature and Folklore. Rodopi
Wisker, Gina (2007). Key Concepts in Postcolonial Literature. Macmillan

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