Temas Subtemas
UNIT 1. The short essay Introduction, topic sentence, thesis statement, body, subtopics and arguments, conclusion, and title. Formal and informal English. Connotation and denotation. Linking words and building paragraphs. Punctuation.
UNIT 2. Tools for academic writing Spelling, capitalization, word choice (e.g. avoiding sexist/discriminatory language), tone, clarity (e.g. coherence, structure), exactness, conciseness, etc. Academic topics: art, AI, capitalocene, green/environmental humanities, decolonial critique, ethics of joy, naturecultures, trans*, transhumanism/posthumanism, violence, etc.
UNIT 3. Tools for critical reading -Rhetorical devices: allegory, alliteration, anaphora, assonance, chiasmus, epistrophe, hyperbaton, litotes, metaphor, metonymy, motif, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, paradox, pun, simile, synaesthesia, symbol, synecdoche, tautology, zeugma, etc.

-Critical terms: Bildungsroman, catharsis, deconstruction, diegesis, epistemology, feminist criticism, free indirect style, genre, heteronormativity, irony, logocentrism, metafiction, mimesis, mise en abyme, narrator, ontology, phallogocentric, queer theory, rhyme, satire, stream of consciousness, etc.
UNIT 4. The close-reading method Type of text, opening lines, location and time, story, pace, themes, rhetorical figures, characters, type of narrator, point of view, tone, closing lines, meanings, interpretations, etc.
UNIT 5. The end-of-degree project (or TFG in Spanish) Regulations of the Faculty of Philology (UDC). Planning and timing. The project itself: aims, methodology, table of contents, structure, quotations, footnotes, list of Works Cited, appendix, and abstract. The MLA Style. Information resources (online catalogues, databases, etc.). Plagiarism. The formality of the oral presentation.
UNIT 6. Humor to survive and, thus, read and write What is humor? Ethics, theories (incongruity, relief, superiority, play, etc.), and practical examples (e.g. cultural differences, language usages).