Temas Subtemas
Topic 1. Introduction to autonomous vehicles - Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous robots
- Autonomous vehicles
Topic 2. Sensors and actuators in marine vehicles - Sensors:
-- Sound based (Sonar, DVL, range finders...)
-- Vision and laser based (Cameras, LIDAR...)
-- Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)
-- GNSS and alternative positioning systems
- Actuators:
-- Thrusters and alternative propulsion methods
-- Arms and grippers
Topic 3. Autonomous control - Open loop control
- Closed loop control
- Intelligent architectures
-- Reactive
-- Deliberative
-- Hybrid
Topic 4. Autonomous navigation - Localization
- Mapping
- Path planning
Topic 5. Programming underwater vehicles - Gazebo simulation model
- Programming framework
- Real underwater vehicle